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How to Write Like a Scientist. I didn’t know whether to take my Ph.D. adviser’s remark as a compliment.

How to Write Like a Scientist

“You don’t write like a scientist,” he said, handing me back the progress report for a grant that I had written for him. In my dream world, tears would have come to his eyes, and he would have squealed, “You write like a poet!” In reality, though, he just frowned. Engineers Explained. People who work in the fields of science and technology are not like other people.

Engineers Explained

This can be frustrating to the nontechnical people who have to deal with them. The secret to coping with technology-oriented people is to understand their motivations. This chapter will teach you everything you need to know. I learned their customs and mannerisms by observing them, much the way Jane Goodall learned about the great apes, but without the hassle of grooming.