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One to a customer coupon - Zenfolio User Forums. Well now that I have a little better understanding on what your trying to do maybe I can help with some ideas. First let me tell you what I have setup for digital downloads, I have setup two different packages which are identical and one has a price attached, and the other with price is set to $0.00 if a customer pre pays for the package. These are studio shoots so I collect all the client data I need before the shoot. How I do this is after the customer selects their favourites (from a gallery with no price list attached IE:No ordering from, proofing gallery) and share with me, I take those and move them to a new gallery and attach whichever price list and check the crops and instructions they included, if they pre-paid then the price list I attach is the pre-paid package to the new gallery at $0.00.

If they didn't pre pay ( which is an option for the client at the time of the shoot )then the price list that gets attached will be the standard package price at whatever $$ I have set. Zenfolio Training Center. Forums - Zenfolio User Forums. Pricing | Zenfolio. Wes Lum - Google+ - Review of the transaction through & print from… Review of the transaction through & print from I host my site,, using It’s been up for a little over a month now, and I’ve been enjoying creating my “gallery.”

I don’t expect sales, nor do I expect to really do much with it except put my favorite images in it. It does also let me provide special client albums when I do little side projects and photo sessions with friends and family, so that is very fun. Feels official when I tell my friends and family to enter their “Client Access Code” lol. What I wanted to do is review the entire process when ordering prints using a site hosted by Zenfolio.

The ordering & transaction processThe process of selecting and ordering was very simple considering the options you have. Everything is handled though a very sleak UI that displays the preview image and cropping guides. Waiting for the printsProcessing was quick. I happen to choose next day because it was a very reasonable increase in price. PHP Wrapper for the Zenfolio API. PhpZenfolio is written in PHP and utilises functionality supplied with PHP 5.2 and later and optionally PEAR. From a PHP perspective, the only requirement is PHP 5.2 compiled with GD and optionally, curl support enabled. If you wish to use a database for caching, you will also need the following PEAR packages: Please consult the above links for details on installing the PEAR modules.

Copy the files from the installation package into a folder on your server. They need to be readable by your web server. You can put them into an include folder defined in your php.ini file, if you like, though it’s not required. In order to use phpZenfolio, you will need to instantiate a new instance of the phpZenfolio object and then call the methods you need. phpZenfolio implements all methods and arguments as documented in the Zenfolio API. Remember: ALL function names and arguments ARE case sensitive and the order is important. The constructor takes two arguments, one obligatory and one optional: