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Open Your Third Eye and Awaken Your Pineal Gland With These Simple Exercises (This Really Works!) CLN Editor’s Note: I tried the Awakening I exercise last night, honestly not expecting much. But wow does this work. About three minutes after completing the exercise, my forehead began to tingle, and suddenly I felt a rapid sense of expansion in the middle of my brain (where the pineal gland is located), along with an uplifted and expanded state of consciousness bordering on a mild and pleasant pyschedelic experience. I will be doing this exercise daily from now on until it’s time for Activation II, and encourage you to try them for yourself. Awaken Your Third Eye — The Easy Way By Lapis Links, CureZone Blogs Note: Original article edited for formatting and clarity Please read all of the following; If you wish to perform this exercise, you need to understand what you will be doing.

The Third Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra — the psychic chakra, located on the middle of the forehead above the brows. In the average person, the pineal gland is atrophied, [calcified] and dormant. 1. Aura. Martial Arts. Dosha. The three doshas and the five great elements they are composed from A dosha (doṣa) is one of three bodily humors that make up one's constitution according to Ayurveda. These teachings are also known as the Tridosha theory. The central concept of Ayurvedic medicine is the theory that health exists when there is a balance between three fundamental bodily humours or doshas called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vāta or Vata (gati-movement) is the impulse principle necessary to mobilize the function of the nervous system. All Ayurvedic physicians believe that these ancient ideas, based in the knowledge discovered by the Rishis and Munis, exist in harmony with physical reality.

How to Release Negative Thoughts and Emotions Using EFT. Digg HJ: With EFT, you can nearly instantly clear unwanted, ‘negative’ emotions and thought patterns. It is a powerful and rapid method of releasing highly charged emotional energies and quite a useful tool in anyones arsenal for dealing with the common daily challenges of life. However, basic EFT methods do not clear the underlying cause of the emotions and thoughts, which are highly charged beliefs and traumatic experiences. To address and neutralize those, we must work at a deeper level. For these instances it is recommended that one use a more powerful form of EFT known as Matrix Reimprinting. That being said, for the in the moment issues with emotions and thoughts, EFT is wonderful. You can learn more about Matrix Reprogramming here: Using Matrix Reimprinting to Rewrite Your Past and Transform Your Future Arguably the most important book on the subject of belief, it’s role in consciousness and how to identify and change them is The Nature of Personal Reality by Seth/Jane Roberts.

Learn Energy Healing with this Beginner's Guide for Healers. Learn energy healing with this beginner's guide for healers. So you want to learn to work with healing energy. Maybe you've always been interested, maybe you're facing a health crisis, or maybe you just want to find out more about it. I've created a step by step tutorial for beginners that will teach you the ins and outs of how to do energy healing. First things first. There are two things that construct the entire universe. Albert Einstein, discovered that matter and energy are different forms of the same thing. He also discovered that since the two, energy and matter, are interchangeable, that they also effect each other.

This is how energy healing works. Energy is not made the same. Examples of bad energy are: Stress in the workplace. Good energy effects our "matter" in a good way. Continue Next Learn Energy Healing Beginning of Series 23 4 Main Energy Healing Section... Free Energy Healing... Energy Healing Videos... Learn Energy Healing for Beginner's Series: Top 5 Techniques: Energy Exercises.