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Painted rug. Last week I gave a sneak peek at the painted rug I completed in the bedroom.

painted rug

Being forever the redecorator, for now, I am totally loving the end product. In my previous post [here] I gave you the inspiration for the graphic, a beautiful woven rug from Anthropologie. I was looking for something that had no repeating pattern so that I could essentially freehand paint the rug without worrying about spacing and measuring. The organic floral motif was perfect and it was sheer coincidence that the golden yellow was the exact colour I was looking to paint the rug. I love the combination of charcoal grey and golden yellow [see here]. If you are thinking about painting a sisal rug yourself, here are a few tips that gave me a really good finished product [and bear in mind I am no expert, but have done A LOT of painting to A LOT of different materials].

Photo Effects and Photo Editing with One Click - Re-Style#54, Five Minute Draped Vest #2. This Re-Style will be slightly different, because I am adding video instructions.

Re-Style#54, Five Minute Draped Vest #2

Gasp! That's right, I am jumping off the dock and into the dark, cold waters of the unknown. Tutorial Things you need Extra large, Shirt Mens Shirt * I use Hanes Tee-shirts.Scissors Cut where the red marks are. Here is a quick video on how I did itWATCH ME. I hope this video explains it for you. Please leave an Email if you have any questions, so I can reply back to you. How I wore this VestHERE. You can also use it as a scarf , just wrap around your neck and pull one end through the hole. some other vests I have made are Have a wonderful day. Lots of <3, Anne. Freebies. Make a Memory {Summer Sponge Bombs} Here we are, week 4 of the Make a Memory series.

Make a Memory {Summer Sponge Bombs}

Each Monday now through the end of August I will feature a special family tradition from one of my favorite bloggers. It is so important to create lasting memories with our families and this will be a fun way to get ideas for fun traditions we can start with our own families. So let's dive right in and see how Heather from Whipperberry and her family make a memory! We are soooo excited to be participating in Make a Memory Monday at A Little Tipsy today!! Happy Monday all… This is Heather from WhipperBerry. A few years ago I was planning an activity for our youth at church and I came up with our version of water dodge ball. . … and thought it would be a fun addition to our water dodge ball tradition. The girls and I then cut up the mop, sponges and drawer liners to make our components for the sponge bombs.

We then gathered them and wrapped them with a cable tie. Cinch the cable tie down really tight… … and then trim the tail. Aren’t they cute?!? Felt Your Sweater!: A Felted Wool Tutorial. Wherever you might normally stand on the felt controversy, I think that we can all get behind the claim that felted wool?

Felt Your Sweater!: A Felted Wool Tutorial

Is awesome. Felted wool has all the benefits of wool for crafting–it’s sturdy, can be shaped, holds a dimensional structure well, is durable, and has an appealing texture–and has the eco-friendly attributes of being natural and second-hand. As part of my green crafting manifesto, I do not buy new things, nor do I intentionally buy products exploitative of the world’s creatures (please, don’t ask me about glue!) , and yet when I buy a wool sweater from the Goodwill Outlet Store, I don’t have to worry about whether or not the wool has an organic certification, or about the high price of organic wool. I just think, “Yay, recycling!” And yet, the wool sweater you take home from the thrift store requires some work before it becomes that versatile wool felt.

Shabby Blogs.