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A Light in the Darkness - Part One. The Monk & The Monkey. Rez. SCORE With Tron-a-Sutra - NSFW « Wonderment Blog. SCORE With Tron-a-Sutra (NSFW) Whoa. Look what we found in the mainframe. Let's say you're a 15-year-old boy nerd looking to SCORE. Real life experience has been... limited. You can turn to internet porn. At long last, everything a boy nerd needs to know about procreation, but was afraid to ask. Introducing the geek version of the Kama Sutra: SCORE - a users guide to sexual positions. Story Behind the Making Starting thirty-three years ago, ILM and Lucas began to use mainframe hardware to crunch and render the effects for the Star Wars series. Today anybody with the right skills can create something quite impressive. Produced and Directed by Ford Austin. GDC Vault.