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HOF 15mm Science Fiction. The battlefields of the near future or those much further away in time all have the same things in common.

HOF 15mm Science Fiction

The flash of lasers, the thump of shock grenades or the buzzing scream of a high velocity ripper cannon along with block levelling explosions, crashed aircraft, skimmers or landing ships brought down by fire from portable heavy weapons. Smoke and dust clog the asphalt or strip metal roadways and trains or maglev transporters are thrown from their tracks. Soldiers in Kevlar or motion assisted personal armour jump down from their personnel carriers or materialise in the midst of a rainbow pulse of transportation energy and begin their attacks on the enemy. ClearHorizon Miniatures.

5150 Aliens. 15mm Goverment Types. 15mm Post Apoc Gangers. 15mm Street Punks. 15mm Modern Civilians. 15mm US Policemen. 15mm Post Apoc Survivalists. 15mm Men-In Black.