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eLearning. 10 outils pour partager ses informations. Voici une sélection de 10 outils gratuits pour partager des contenus en ligne.

10 outils pour partager ses informations

Photos, vidéos, PDF, sites internet, PowerPoints, sons, etc., il y en a pour tous les goûts ! 1) Partagez vos PDF avec Issuu Issuu vous permet de mettre à disposition vos présentations PDF. Une fonction embed (pour « embarquer » le code html) donne la possibilité d’intégrer votre document dans n’importe quelle page web sous forme d’un livre à feuilleter. Chargez votre document via un formulaire (ce qui peut prendre plusieurs minutes, les multiples champs étant tous obligatoires), Issuu se charge du reste : encodage, mise en page, code source, etc. 2) Partagez vos vidéos avec Vimeo Beaucoup de plate-formes se disputent le créneau de l’hébergement gratuit de vidéos : YouTube, DailyMotion, Photobucket, etc. 3) Partagez vos fichiers audio avec Soundcloud Soundcloud, comme tous les hébergeurs audio, est destiné à l’origine aux artistes, qu’ils soient amateurs ou professionnels. Infographics, simulations, and online courses. This page links to samples of interactive graphics, simulations, and other materials from many different sources.

infographics, simulations, and online courses

These are not examples of my work, and inclusion on this page doesn’t mean I endorse them. Maybe they’ll give you ideas for your own projects. More examples: See the elearning examples category on this site. Simpler interactions Storyplanet: Big River Rising These don’t need lots of Flash wizadry. More advanced interactions Blood Typing Game from The samples below include more complex navigation or sophisticated animation.Blood typing game. Choose a Different Ending from Simulations and branching scenarios For scenario design tips and more examples, see the scenarios category of this site.Connect with Haji Kamal. Dos and Don'ts for Leading eLearning Projects - Monarch Media Planet eLearn. Enewsletter article Dos and Don'ts for Leading eLearning Projects Leading eLearning course and product development is complex.

Dos and Don'ts for Leading eLearning Projects - Monarch Media Planet eLearn

It requires coordination of subject matter experts, instructional designers, usability experts, and software developers as they strive to accomplish a large number of tasks. Failure to understand and implement a production process can have serious repercussions for your eLearning project. Without clear communications, in-house teams and external content experts and vendors may work at cross-purposes. Below are some dos and don'ts for how to generate success from our team of project leaders. Elearning project leaders need to develop processes that leverage best practices from both the instructional design and software development fields 1.

One mistake we often see is project stakeholders getting fixated on technology. 2. Needs analysis: What must learners understand after taking the course and how will they be able to better perform in their chosen field? Nowacki.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt) Are You Building the Right Type of E-Learning Course?

Building an elearning course can be time-consuming and costly.

Are You Building the Right Type of E-Learning Course?

Because of this you don’t want to waste your resources by making your elearning course more complex than it needs to be. Instead, your objective is to create the best elearning course you can with the limited resources you have. Identify the Course’s Purpose The intent of most elearning courses is to change performance. However, the type of course that’s usually built focuses on sharing information rather than performance improvements. Your first step is to get your client focused on the real performance goals and then guide them to the right type of intervention.

However, if they still need (or want) an elearning course, then determine what type of course they need. Understand the Type of Course Elearning courses typically focus one of two things: sharing information or changing performance. Communicate information with no performance expectations. Manage Your Resources Wisely Reading is best done offline. Other Collaboration and Sharin gTools. Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies The Toolbox Public social networks and collaboration platforms Toolbox COMMUNICATION TOOLS OTHER COLLABORATION & SHARING TOOLS PERSONAL PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS BROWSERS, PLAYERS & READERS DIRECTORY OF LEARNING TOOLS 2011 Other Collaboration & Sharing Tools These are further tools for sharing and collaborating with others.

Social bookmarking | Curation tools | Collab research | Collab annotation | Shareable notes/notebooks | Shareable/group organizers | Collab corkboards | Collab whiteboards | Collab mindmapping | Calendar sharing | Shareable maps | Sharing files across computers | Other collab tools is one of the Top 100 Tools 2010 is a free tool or a free version is available A webmark marks a location on the web, just like a bookmark marks a location in a book.

Just give your friends the link to your allmyfavorites web page and they can browse your favorites Hosted.

Instructional design

Writing objectives.