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Toxic Site. This web site draws on a variety of source documents. References for each main section of the web site are provided here in alphabetical order, along with links to online versions of published documents where they exist. Reports marked with an asterisk (*) are currently available as hard copies by contacting the Greenpeace International Toxics Campaign. Some of these documents are in Adobe Acrobat format and require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. View alphabetic listings Chlorine , Combustion and Dioxins: Does Reducing Chlorine in Wastes Decrease Dioxin Formation in Waste Incinerators? By Pat Costner, Greenpeace, September 10, 2001. (1Mb) {*style:<u><b> </b></u>*}Report appendices in parts (quicker download): Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .

</b></u>*}PVC- FREE FUTURE: A REVIEW OF RESTRICTIONS AND PVC FREE POLICIES WORLDWIDE - A list compiled by Greenpeace International. 8th Edition, August 2001, (247 Kb) En Espanol Toxic chemicals in a child's world: an investigation into PVC plastic products. AIS-Schiffspositionen/-verkehr in Echtzeit. vTI - Projektrecherche Einzelprojekt. OSPAR Commission. MARIS B.V. HABITAT MARE Die OSPAR-Konvention. Die von Ihnen gewünschte Seite wurde leider nicht gefunden.Möglicherweise ist sie umbenannt oder an einen anderen Platz verschoben worden. Um zu der gewünschten Information zu gelangen, nutzen Sie bitte oder beginnen Sie Ihre Suche von der Startseite aus.

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Siehe auch[Bearbeiten] Weblinks[Bearbeiten] Einzelnachweise[Bearbeiten] Helcom : Welcome. Deutschland: Politische Instrumente. European Commission - Maritime Affairs - European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNET) Definition and scope Marine Knowledge 2020 brings together marine data from different sources with the aim of: Helping industry, public authorities and researchers find the data and make more effective use of them to develop new products and services. Improving our understanding of how the seas behave. Why EU-level action? National data do not tell us all we need to know about the seas as a global system connected by shifting winds, seasonal currents and migrating species; analysis at European level is essential. The integration of different national and local systems into a coherent whole has been driven by the EU. How does it work in practice? Through the prototype websites of the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNET), engineers and scientists can see what data are available for a given sea basin, and download both original observations and derived data products such as digital terrain models, sediment distributions and marine habitats.

More on marine data Related content. EcoSystemData Map. Fischeier. Willkommen bei Fischfauna-Online Unser Ziel ist die Förderung des Fischartenschutzes und die Bewahrung der biologischen Vielfalt unserer heimischen Fischfauna durch Schaffung eines deutschsprachigen Forums für Information, Kommunikation und Publikation im Bereich der Fischkunde.

Fischfauna-Online wird gemeinsam herausgegeben von der Hochschule Bremen und der Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie e.V. Die Seite verfolgt keinerlei finanzielle Interessen, wird rein ehrenamtlich betrieben und sieht sich dem Gedanken des freien Zugangs zu Umweltdaten für Bildung, Umwelt- und Naturschutz sowie Forschung und Lehre verpflichtet. Die Daten stehen unter der Creative-Commons-Share-alike-Lizenz 2.0 Lies mehr Schnellzugang: ♦ Danksagung ♦ Veranstaltungen ♦ Stellenangebote ♦ Herkunft der Daten ♦ Fotogalerie Süßwasserfische ♦ Bildnachweis Fischfauna-Online „Ausgezeichnetes Projekt der UN-Dekade Biologische Vielfalt“ Letzte Einträge. Kurzportrait - IOW. International Maritime Organization.

15/04/2014 IMO Secretary-General Sekimizu chaired the judging panel for the Seatrade Awards 2014 (14 April). The ceremony included an award in support of IMO's theme for World Maritime Day 2014 ‘IMO Conventions: Effective Implementation’, won by the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS). IACS Chairman Mr R. Cazzulo received the award from Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal; Mr Sekimizu; and sponsor Mr Hui, Managing Director, China Classification Society. 14/04/2014 ​IMO’s Beatrice Vormawah, Head, Technical Cooperation Implementation Coordination Section, represented IMO at the Ghana Maritime Authority’s three-day sub-regional seminar on ship routeing and safety in navigation, Accra (7-10 April), for participants drawn from eight countries in West and Central Africa.

More... IMO bans ships' sewage in the Baltic Sea! At a last minute session, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) today agreed to ban the discharge of sewage from passenger ships and ferries in the Baltic Sea. The decision comes after a three years WWF campaign to stop the dumping of waste water in the Baltic Sea. WWF has since 2007 worked hard to convince governments and the shipping industry to ban the discharge of waste water straight into the Baltic Sea. The organization had already succeeded in receiving voluntary commitments from many passenger ferry lines and cruise companies that traffic the Baltic Sea. Today's decision will make the dumping of waste water illegal from 2013 for all new ships and from 2018 for all ships, when sufficient port reception facilities are available. A special working group will develop criteria for "adequate port reception facilities".

"This is an important milestone for the Baltic Sea", says Mattias Rust, WWF's representative at the IMO meeting.