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Twitter Bootstrap. Hallo.js, a simple rich text editor for the web - Henri Bergius in Berlin, Germany. Those who have been following my blog have probably seen the Hallo Editor mentioned in my Create.js posts.

Hallo.js, a simple rich text editor for the web - Henri Bergius in Berlin, Germany

But for those who haven't seen it yet, here is a brief introduction. Hallo.js is a simple rich text editor built as a jQuery UI widget and utilizing the HTML5 contentEditable functionality for allowing in-place editing. This sort of real in-place editing differs from more traditional editors like TinyMCE in that the content is never detached from its place on a page, and so for instance all CSS rules apply to it. This makes the editing experience much more true WYSIWYG. The Hallo Editor effort was started in the IKS Project as part of our Create.js effort in order to provide a MIT-licensed editor option. Create.js had originally been written with Aloha Editor in mind, but its licensing model made it complicated for some CMS projects to adopt. Create now fully supports both of the editors. User interface The toolbars can also be customized. Design philosophy Development $ cake build. About. Geany is a small and lightweight Integrated Development Environment.


It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages. Another goal was to be as independent as possible from a special Desktop Environment like KDE or GNOME - Geany only requires the GTK2 runtime libraries. Some basic features of Geany: Syntax highlighting Code folding Symbol name auto-completion Construct completion/snippets Auto-closing of XML and HTML tags Call tips Many supported filetypes including C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal (full list) Symbol lists Code navigation Build system to compile and execute your code Simple project management Plugin interface (see Plugins) Geany is known to run under Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS X, AIX v5.3, Solaris Express and Windows.

The code is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. Firebug Extensions. From FirebugWiki Firebug extensions augment or otherwise enhance the Firebug extension.

Firebug Extensions

Firebug extensions typically come in the form of Firefox add-ons. List of known Firebug extensions (in alphabetical order): Are you an author of a new extension for Firebug and want us to update the page? Just open a new issue on Firebug [1]. [edit] Creating Extensions [edit] Existing Extensions [edit] Miscellaneous [edit] Firecookie Firecookie NOTE: Firecookie is integrated in Firebug since version 1.10. Firecookie is a an extension for Firebug that allows to view, manage and debug cookies in your browser.

Visit website Download from Mozilla Addons site Get the source code (Firebug's BSD-style license) Report an issue. Proper Use of Heading Tags. CodeMirror. Margins and padding. Notepad++ Download. TextPad.