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Domus Dorpatensise infoõhtu liituda soovijatele. Little Inspiration to keep rolling. Granma's Attic ...Old Time Beauty and Health Tips. Two tablespoons of sesame oil, one tablespoon olive oil, two tablespoons avocado oil, two tablespoons almond oil, 2000 IU vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopherol), 100Thousand USP units vitamin A, a drop or two of your favorite perfume.

Granma's Attic ...Old Time Beauty and Health Tips

(optional) Pour the oils into a small jar or empty bottle. The Kitchen Medic. Id your grandmother force you to gargle with hot saltwater whenever you were afflicted with a bad cough?

The Kitchen Medic

Did your father whip up a concoction of water, mint leaves and cinnamon bark when you complained of an upset stomach? We all have stories of home remedies we were compelled to ingest by well-meaning parents and relatives.