Using Apache and PHP on Mac OS X. Are you a Mac user?
Are you working on the Mac OS X platform and want to use Apache and PHP? Well, Joel has some surprises for you as well as a list of steps one must follow to configure both on your machine. If you’re running Mac OS X it has some surprises for you. Seems, PHP and the Apache Web Server have been installed on your machine without your knowledge. Well, its no secret but running them both is somewhat of a mystery and the trick is to flush them out of their hiding spots. Generally on a Mac there are Icons that represent programs and documents that you double-click to execute their existence. To start Apache Web Server, you must go into the “System Preferences Control panel located on the “Apple Menu”. Since Mac OS X is a multi-user system, every person has their own account and with that brings it’s own set of web pages.
To access your personal web pages, locate your account name directory under "Users" And locate the directory labeled "Sites". How to set up a Web Server in Mac OS X Leopard. Businessinsider. Mac Basics: Font Book. Your Mac comes with many built-in fonts, and you can download and install more from Apple and other sources.
If you don't want a font to appear in your apps, you can disable or remove it. Install fonts Double-click the font in the Finder, then click Install Font in the font preview window that opens. After your Mac validates the font and opens the Font Book app, the font is installed and available for use. How To Fix Wi-Fi On Mac, What To Do When Your Mac Won't Connect To WiFi. Best antivirus for Mac 2019: Reviewed and rated. Macs may be a far less tempting target for malware and viruses, but they’re not immune from attack.
Even if you don’t care about adware or being used as a means to infect users on other platforms, it’s still possible to fall victim to ransomware, password theft, or stolen iPhone backups. Accordingly, good antivirus software will protect your Mac on all of these fronts. It’ll catch malware that’s still spreading or in circulation; block ransomware; protect older systems with out-of-date software from security vulnerabilities; prevent your Mac from acting as a carrier for malware aimed at other operating systems; and keep infected files off of any virtual machines you’re running. Many antivirus suites provide a decent level of protection, but a few rise above all others by providing the very best in performance.
Updated 08/15/19: Added our review of Avira Free Antivirus, a worthy free option that’s easy to use and effective. Looking for Windows antivirus recommendations? Mac: How To Troubleshoot Screen Flickering - macReports. Share on StumbleUpon0 shares on StumbleUpon Several MacBook users have reported that their screen displays are flickering.
Some users have started that the problem would occur randomly. It seems that both retina and non-retina screens may experience this. It further seems that some screen flickering issues are so severe that it makes it almost impossible to look at the screen. Quickly Show/Hide Hidden Files on macOS Sierra, OS X El Capitan & Yosemite. How do I show or hide file extensions on a Mac? A: (Click here for Windows instructions.)
Mac OS X allows you to show or hide file extensions for individual files or display extensions for all files. Individual Files If you want to show or hide an extension for a single file, first open the file's information window. You can do this by selecting the file and clicking "Get Info" from the File menu. Or you may right-click (Control-click) the file and select "Get Info" from the contextual menu that pops up. Notice the section towards the top of the window that says "Name & Extension. " If you would like to hide the file's extension, click the "Hide extension" checkbox.
All Files While Mac OS X hides file extensions by default, you can choose to show all file extensions, overriding the "Hide extension" setting in the "Get Info" window. Then click on the Advanced tab in the Finder Preferences window as shown below: Finally, check the "Show all file extensions" box. 6 Ways to Force Quit Mac Applications. Do you need to force quit an unresponsive Mac app?
Is your Mac seeing the infamously dreaded spinning beachball of death? Is an app failing to respond to any input? Maybe you have an errant process or two? Refurbished iPhone. Save & export Voicemail from an iPhone to your Mac or PC. M.imore. Sometimes your Mac isn't running properly, so you need to reset the NVRAM and PRAM.
Sometimes you need to boot in Recovery Mode in order to reinstall an OS or recover your hard drive via the internet. Whatever your needs, you can boot your Mac in a variety of modes in order to complete a task before startup; all you need to do is press some keys down and wait for the chime (unless you have a later MacBook Pro, in which case I'm sorry). Here are all the keyboard shortcuts you can use when starting up your Mac! Safe mode: shift Safe mode is a way of starting up your Mac that makes sure it performs certain checks and prevents certain software from loading or opening automatically. Verifies startup disk and tries to repair directory issues if neededLoads only required kernel extensionsPrevents Startup Items and Login items from opening automaticallyDisables user-installed fontsDeletes font caches, kernel cache, and other system cache files How to start in Safe Mode Startup Manager: option (alt)
How to use emoji on your Mac. Using emoji to express emotions, ideas and thoughts are very popular on the iPhone and other mobile devices.
A couple of quick taps on the keyboard button and you've got them ready. How do you do that on the Mac? Originally popularized by texting phone users in Japan, emoji are representations of facial expressions, objects and other ideas that use a combination of keyboard characters. For a while, actual emoji images have been built into the iOS and the Mac to make using them more expressive, fun and interesting. It isn't immediately obvious how to access them on the Mac, though, so here is a quick tip to help you get there faster. How to use emoji on Mac Emoji are divided into several categories: Smileys & People, Animals & Nature, Food & Drink, Activity, Travel & Places, Objects, Symbols, and Flags If you don't want to scroll through all of them, you can use the search field to find emoji you'd like to use. Any Questions? Let us know in the comments below!