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My Analytics. Promoting integrity in research publication | Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE. 5 E-Book Trends That Will Change the Future of Publishing. Philip Ruppel is president of McGraw-Hill Professional, a leading global publisher of print and electronic content and services for the business, scientific, technical, and medical communities. Without a doubt, the e-book is practically the biggest thing that’s hit the publishing industry since the invention of movable type. Publishers and e-book resellers are reporting astronomical growth. At McGraw-Hill, we have been an active player in e-book technology dating back to devices like the RocketBook (one of the first e-book readers) that was launched more than 10 years ago.

And today, e-books and e-book distribution is central to our publishing and growth strategy. From the front lines of the e-book revolution, here are five trends I’m watching. 1. Enhanced E-Books Are Coming and Will Only Get Better Consumers have already shown that they love e-books for their convenience and accessibility, but ultimately most e-books today are the same as print, just in digital form. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Publishing is Dead, Long Live Publishing. I've discovered that " Something is Dead " headlines attract a lot of attention so I couldn't resist using one myself today. With Seth Godin announcing that he's going to ditch his traditional publisher (Portfolio part of Penguin), does it mean that book publishing as we know it is dead? I find this topic especially interesting as its something that I discussed at length when I spoke at the Digital Book World Conference back in January. Here's my take. Seth Godin is among the most popular best selling marketing authors and his latest book Linchpin sold over 50,000 copies.

The publisher probably played a big role in the editing and the distribution of that book. Seth Godin knows his readers better than his publisher does . Time will tell whether other leading authors adopt a similar model.