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Druid - Game. Druid Heal! » Resto Druid Guide. Druid Tank Guide? Starting a druid. So, you're thinking of playing a druid? This page is intended to give a short overview of what to do over the first 10 levels or so, just to get you started on the right path. If you're looking for more of an overview of the class's abilities, see the main druid page. For more advanced topics, see druid tactics. For a guide to leveling a druid further, see leveling a druid For a more general overview on starting out playing WoW, see the newbie guide Race selection Edit Each faction has two races that can be druids. If you don't care about faction, then looking at the racial traits should give you an idea which to play.

Early leveling The easiest way to progress through the early levels is to simply do any and all of the quests you can find. You will spend levels 1 to 5 in your starting town. At early levels, a druid will mostly use their [Wrath] DD spell and [Moonfire] DoT spell to kill mobs intermixed with melee attacks. Levels 1 - 2 Edit Levels 3 - 5 At level 3, you can learn [Moonfire]. Druid. For related articles, see Category:Druids. Not to be confused with elven druid. The druid is a shapeshifting hybrid class and is also one of the most versatile classes in the game.

As with other hybrids, druids need to specialize to be most effective in any role. Due to their need to shapeshift to fulfill roles, they can only perform one role at a time; they must switch between the different shapes to adapt to changing situations. Overview Edit Balance Specialize in damage spells and an additional Moonkin Form, turning them into an efficient ranged spellcaster that is somewhere between a mage and a shadow priest in play style, in the equivalent of plate armor.

Feral Enhances the druids abilities in Cat Form. Guardian Enhances the druids abilities in Bear Form. Restoration Healers. A properly specced and geared druid is capable of fulfilling any role. Another nice feature of druids is their ability to travel faster. Background Lore Cenarius is the patron entity of all druids. Warcraft Encyclopedia. Druid PvP guide - WoWWiki.

General Edit The druid's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. Shape-shifting allows for extreme versatility, allowing you to fulfill any role and react well to any situation, but it often makes what you are about to do next very obvious to the enemy. Expect this, and be ready to change your plans at a moment's notice. Feral Druid Edit Pro Tip: A player or mob/NPC that is sitting or lying down results in an automatic critical strike from your first attack. Vs. In Wrath of the Lich King, 1 on 1 Feral vs Melee situations, you will generally stay in cat form unless they severely outgears you. Below level 62, Cat Form fares poorly since the druid lacks stunlock capabilities. Vs. You will spend most of the fight in Cat Form, as the armor from Bear Form makes no difference against casters. Bear Form does have its uses against casters. Balance Druid Take account of the value of Moonkin against some classes. Moonkin truly shine in PvP. Restoration Druid Some good healing tips/combos: Vs.

Vs. Druid talent analysis. Now up to date for all trees as of 1/15/09. Druid talents, perhaps more than those of any other class, serve to drastically change the character and playstyle of the class. Druids can be called a very weak class with very strong talents. For example, a Resto druid's feral utility is very, very weak; with a respec that same druid suddenly becomes a powerhouse in melee. This makes druids a very fun class to play since the druid's gameplay, be it tanking, melee DPS, spell DPS, or healing, can easily change with a respec.

Therefore, it is important to understand not just the relative value of each talent but the way in which your build will affect your desired gameplay. Each talent is listed with its maximum talent point investment. Notes are included in the analysis where lesser investments are common or useful. Note that "nothing special" doesn't mean that the talent is or isn't valuable in a particular situation, merely that there aren't any special benefits unique to that playstyle. Edit. Druid builds. Though Druids are a hybrid class, the differences between builds of the same specialization tend to be fairly minor because of the great amount of must-have talents embedded inside each tree. The 3 trees are Balance, which improves the druid's ranged DPS, Feral, which improve the druid's animal forms, allowing him to Tank or Melee DPS effectively, and Restoration, which improves the druid's healing abilities. When raiding, opting for a more traditional, non-hybrid raid build is likely to be a necessity as it will allow you to maximize your contribution to the raid, whether your role is DPS, tank, or healer.

Please note, the talent builds listed below are out of date. Patch 4.0.1 (now live) has changed the talent trees. You now have 41 talent points at level 85*. Balance Edit Balance is the casting DPS tree of the druid. PvE Balance + Glyphs (31/2/3) The main goal of tree is to increase damage and mana pool of druid. PvE Balance (32/0/4) Pure PvE Balance (31/2/3) Feral Combat Feral Tank (0/38/3) Druid Builds 4.0.1 - Listing Of Talent Builds For Druids. Druid Talent Builds (WoW) :: Wiki :: World of Warcraft :: ZAM. Druids in World of Warcraft are a "Jack of all trades". They can fill the multiple class roles on the fly, and excel at specific aspects of multiple classes directly.

To decide on a specific aspect to focus on, consider the three Talent trees available to Druids: Balance - DPS Casting Aspect Feral - DPS Melee & Tanking Aspect Restoration - Healing Aspect Each talent tree focuses on different aspects of the game and how the Druid applies themselves to situations in both solo and group play. As a Balance Druid, you specialize in Mage-like casting typically with the ability to off-heal in emergency situations. While the above holds true for PvE content, PvP will create new hurdles to overcome and bend the specifics of each talent tree to work best in player vs player encounters. Base ToL Restoration Talents Druid healing has two popular and viable points of interest.

Typical Tree of Life healing talents focus on increasing the effectiveness of Druid HoT healing spells. Resto Druid PVP arena guide. Feral Druid. PVP Feral Druid. WoW Druid Macros. Feral by Night - Addons. HealAssign - Addons.