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26 of march 2011

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A Londres, succès de la manifestation anti-austérité malgré les heurts - L'EXPRESS - Minefield. Des jeunes gens cagoulés ont affronté samedi la police anti-émeutes et attaqué des banques et des magasins de luxe du centre de Londres en marge d'une manifestation qui a rassemblé plus de 250 000 Britanniques protestant contre la politique d'austérité du gouvernement. La police a dit avoir arrêté plus de 200 personnes parmi les groupes d'anarchistes qui, après s'être détachés de la manifestation organisée à l'appel du principal syndicat, ont harcelé la police dans le quartier de West End. Ils ont jeté des pétards et de la peinture et attaqué des succursales des banques HSBC et Santander. De nombreux Britanniques imputent aux banques la crise financière qui a amené le gouvernement à imposer des réductions de dépenses drastiques. Ces troubles ont détourné l'attention d'une manifestation par ailleurs pacifique contre l'austérité.

"C'est vraiment de la criminalité. Mobilisation Le dirigeant du Parti travailliste, Ed Miliband, prenant la parole à Hyde Park, a salué la mobilisation. Avec. Anti-cuts march: Tens of thousands at London protest - Minefield. 27 March 2011Last updated at 00:09 Watch: The BBC's Sophie Long spoke to some people taking part in the march More than 250,000 people have attended a march and rally in central London against public spending cuts. Labour leader Ed Miliband addressed crowds in Hyde Park and the main march organised by the Trades Union Congress passed off peacefully. But small groups attacked shops and banks with a stand-off in Piccadilly. There have been 214 arrests and 66 people injured, including 13 police. Ministers say the cuts are necessary to get the public finances in order.

In the largest public protest since the Iraq war rally in 2003, marchers from across the UK set off from Victoria Embankment to Hyde Park, where TUC general secretary Brendan Barber was first in a line of speakers. "We are here to send a message to the government that we are strong and united," he said. "We will fight the savage cuts and we will not let them destroy peoples' services, jobs and lives. " Continue reading the main story. Cuts Are Not The Cure. Global Demonstration against the payback of the debts - Minefield. Jour de colère à Londres, 400 000 manifestants contre les mesures d'austérité ! - ptireveur sur - Minefield. Publié parptireveur post non vérifié par la rédaction 26/03/2011 à 16h04 - mis à jour le 26/03/2011 à 16h15 | vues | réactions Londres, des centaines de milliers de personnes ont commencé à manifester contre les mesures d’austérité.

C’est la journée de tous les dangers pour les autorités, 19 manifestations sont organisées en simultanée ainsi que des occupations de grande envergure. [Lire notre précédent article] Actualutte vous propose de suivre cette journée en direct avec photos, vidéos, réactions. Je met continuellement à jour cet article sur la page : SUITE..

-> 15h50 : Lu sur twitter : Le très luxueux Hôtel Ritz est pris d’assaut par des manifestants. 15h45 : HSBC a été démoli et occupé. 15h25 : Affrontements entre policiers et le black bloc à l’angle de l’avenue jeraied et Shaftesbury. 15h20 : Les forces de l’ordre sont prêtes à intervenir : 15h15 : Carte des actions prévues aujourd’hui : 14h40 :(Vidéos, à voir sur le site) London: thousands march for peace, social justice on Independent Catholic News - Minefield. Pax Christi members joined with thousands of trade union groups, the National Justice & Peace Network, Young Christian Workers, Church Action of Poverty and others on the March for the Alternative, to help make the connection between military spending and spending on welfare and human security.

More than 250,000 people are estimated to have taken part in the demonstration. In a week which has seen a budget commit £40 billion to Defence and only £24 billion to Housing, £7.5 billion to Overseas Development and £3.3 billion to Energy and Climate Change, this march and rally were a timely reminder of the need to look at how priorities are set for UK Domestic and Foreign policy. Before the march, there was standing-room only at St Martin-in-the-Fields for the memorial service for Archbishop Oscar Romero, champion of the poor and a voice for nonviolent transformation of society.

March for the Alternative – Saturday 26 March part 2 | Society | - Minefield. Good evening and welcome to our continuing coverage of the March for the Alternative in London, and the aftermath. You can read our earlier live blog here.• Around 500,000 people have joined the anti-cuts march through central London. The figure was higher than originally hoped for by the organisers. • Police said the protest had been "peaceful and well-stewarded". But there have been a few clashes between police and activists not associated with the main march, and nine arrests have been made. • More than a dozen stores on Oxford Street were occupied by the anti tax evasion group Ukuncut.

The Metropolitan police press office has said that today's march has been largely peaceful and well ordered, with a small number of violent disruptions and just nine arrests. Today's TUC March for the Alternative has been peaceful and well-stewarded. My colleague Matthew Taylor has said that UKuncut have ended their occupation at Fortnum and Mason and are now being detained by police. Jonangelo Molinari. March for the Alternative: Jobs, Growth, Justice. Plus de 250000 personnes manifestent à Londres contre les coupes budgétaires - Minefield.

"Non aux coupes. " "Cameron, le boucher de la Grande-Bretagne. " "Osborne (chancelier de l'Echiquier), le seul déficit est entre tes deux oreilles. " Avec ces slogans simples et clairs, entre 400.000 et 500.000 personnes sont descendues dans la rue ce samedi. Ils protestaient contre les coupes budgétaires historiques qui entrent en vigueur dans les semaines qui viennent.

Dans une ambiance familiale et bon enfant, ils ont défilé de Westminster à Hyde Park, pour ce qui est la plus importante manifestation depuis celle contre la guerre en Irak en 2003 (qui était elle-même l'une des plus importantes depuis la Seconde guerre mondiale). "Le gouvernement fait croire que ces coupes budgétaires sont inévitables, mais c'est un écran de fumée pour cacher leur idéologie", s'agace Sigrid Holeward, un artiste présente dans le défilé.

Un autre avertissement intéressant pour David Cameron est qu'Ed Miliband, le leader du parti travailliste, est venu s'exprimer à cette manifestation. South London Marches to the TUC March | - Minefield. Union branches with other groups in South London held a rally in Kennington Park and together marched from there to join the main TUC 'March For The Alternative'.

London, UK. 26/03/2011 Although the TUC had advised people that there were no official 'feeder marches' that would join to their main march and that people should go directly to the Embankment, several feeders had been organised by union branches and others, including a 'South London feeder march' from Kennington Park organised by local unions and SOS, Southwark's Save Our Services campaign.

The starting point is one with great significance for the Labour Movement, for it was in this park - then Kennington Common' that the Chartists held their final "monster meeting" on 10th April 1848, attended by around 25,000 supporters before presenting their final petition to Parliament. TUC - Britain at work - Minefield.