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09LONDON1851. Viewing cable 09LONDON1851, IRAN: FCO SHARES LESSONS LEARNED ON DETAINEES Understanding cables Every cable message consists of three parts: The top box shows each cables unique reference number, when and by whom it originally was sent, and what its initial classification was. The middle box contains the header information that is associated with the cable. It includes information about the receiver(s) as well as a general subject.

The bottom box presents the body of the cable. 09LONDON2117. Viewing cable 09LONDON2117, GREAT LAKES: UK WELCOMES SE WOLPE'S APPOINTMENT Understanding cables Every cable message consists of three parts: The top box shows each cables unique reference number, when and by whom it originally was sent, and what its initial classification was. The middle box contains the header information that is associated with the cable. It includes information about the receiver(s) as well as a general subject. The bottom box presents the body of the cable. 09LONDON27.