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7 CMS pour créer son propre réseau social - ressources. Découvrez une sélection de CMS, gratuits pour la plupart qui vous permettront de créer un réseau social dans le style de Facebook autour de votre passion ou de votre service. Idéal pour créer une communauté et regrouper des passionnés à venir partager autour de votre centre d'intérêt ou de vos services, un réseau social peut etre un réel atout dans la communication d'une marque ou d'un produit si celui-ci est bien fait. Oxwall Pour vous aider à utiliser Oxwall Un article complet pour bien débuter avec Oxwall Elgg Jcow Sharetronix Socialengine Enfin le CMS le plus abouti pour la création de votre réseau social. Jomsocial Un réseau social sur Joomla. ( 99 $ ) Pour vous aider à utiliser Jomsocial : Rejoignez la communauté Fr de Jomsocial Buddypress Créer un réseau social avec wordpress Pour vous aider à utiliser Buddypress : Comment paramétrer Buddypress 9 tuto pour Buddypress en français Vous connaissez d'autres CMS efficaces pour compléter cette liste ?

Genesis - WP template frameworks - StudioPress. MetaBox PHP Class - WPAlchemy. The WPAlchemy_MetaBox PHP class can be used to create WordPress meta boxes quickly. It will give you the flexibility you need as a developer, allowing you to quickly build custom meta boxes for your themes and plugins. Key Features and Benefits Easy to learn and integrate: good documentation and support is always important (I use the code myself and keep it up-to-date).

Integration is a snap, as simple as including the class and using it.Easy setup code: some of the details involved in saving, retrieving and working with the meta data are abstracted to ease development.Flexible usage: the class acts as an aid for meta box development. By design you can use the class functions or your current development practices, which ever you feel most comfortable with for your development.HTML and CSS separation: the HTML and CSS for your meta boxes remain separate from the core code, you can design your meta boxes to your liking, providing you the greatest flexibility during development.

That’s it! Wp comme logiciel gestionnaire de collection numerique. WordPress $post, $term and $comment Object Cheat Sheet. Redirecting Visitors to Maintenance Page in WordPress without a Plugin. What’s new and exciting in WordPress 3.1. WordPress 3.1, or “Reinhardt”, is now available in its full release. As you run over to download it, or run the automatic update through your Dashboard, keep this page open in a tab. We’ve reviewed what’s new in the latest (and greatest?) Version of WordPress, and give you all of the most up to date information. We’ll walk you through what’s notable and new, and give you links to the initial resources we’re aware of. If you’re already using WordPress 3.1, jump down to the comments and tell us about your experience so far.

Post formats Probably the most anticipated and most debated feature for 3.1, post formats allow an author to specify one of ten standard formats for a post to be displayed. The custom formats are really no more than taxonomies that get a special seat under the “publish” meta box of the post editor. The basis of the post format debate is whether theme authors should be allowed to extend post formats beyond the standard ones. Custom post type archives User admin dashboard. How can post formats be improved?

So far most of the criticism towards the post formats feature in WordPress 3.1 has been about the formats being a standardized list that cannot be customized. But from the perspectives of portability and usability, I would say a mere standardized list doesn’t go far enough. The argument for sticking with a standard set of post formats is that a user should be able to switch themes without losing the formatting of their posts. There are nine new formats and these do seem to cover most uses: aside, gallery, link, image, quote, status, video, audio, and chat. Making formats portable But if each theme implements these formats differently does it really matter if the format terms are consistent?

One theme developer might choose to take all the content for a quote post and format it as a quote. Simple for the end user, with no explanation required. Image posts are even more of a conundrum. A single image. So the first image could, or should be considered the post’s image? Making formats usable.