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6 points à retenir pour le référencement des sites en https. Certaines entreprises sont obligées, pour des raisons de sécurité d’utiliser le protocole https pour leur site.

6 points à retenir pour le référencement des sites en https

SEOmoz donne quelques conseils sur le référencement de sites sécurisés. Selon lui, un site en https, s’il est bien optimisé, a autant de chance de bien se positionner qu’un site en http simple. Les avis divergent sur ce fait… Les sites de banque ont souvent recours au https pour leur site. Est-ce un problème pour le référencement ? 1 – Si tout est fait correctement, un site en https peu se positionner aussi bien qu’un site en http. 2 – Maintenez l’ensemble de vos certificats de sécurité valides tout le temps : 24h sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. 3 – C’est un fait, les sites en https donnent plus de travail aux serveurs, il y-a donc des risques pour que le téléchargement des pages soit ralenti.

Petit plus : mettez l’ensemble de vos fichiers (images, iframes…) en https. Pour l’un des sites pour lesquels je travaille, il est question de passer en https pour un nouveau produit. Using WordPress as a Project Management App. If you freelance, youʼre no doubt familiar with 37signalsʼ Basecamp. Since launching in 2004 it has become the standard for online project management, claiming a legion of notable users such as USA Today, National Geographic, Patagonia, Threadless and Kelloggʼs. Itʼs just as popular with small businesses, non-profits, independent web workers, and… me.

As a freelancer who makes a living with WordPress , I couldnʼt help but feel like a sellout using Basecamp when I knew my site was sitting on top of arguably the most extendable and powerful publishing platform on the web. Realizing I could save myself $12 per month and keep in line with my open source philosophy, I set out to create my own self-hosted project management app built on top of WordPress from resources freely available on the web. There turned out to be a few different options. WP-Project ( download the Plugin ) However, itʼs not without itʼs quirks and shortcomings, most notably the interface.

Find your nearest Jelly. Enhancing Custom Fields with Search Filtering. By Kirsty Burgoine Custom fields are an excellent feature in WordPress.

Enhancing Custom Fields with Search Filtering

They allow you to store any extra information (meta-data) about a post that you may want. When I first started using WordPress as a content management system, I shied away from them, as I thought they would be difficult to use for end-users (i.e. the client), but as I learned more about customizing the administration panels of WordPress, I began to realize what a powerful addition to a WordPress site they could be. However, adding the ability to search your posts by custom field is a little tricky; the native search feature of WordPress doesn’t search custom field values. In this guide, I’ll show you how to work with custom fields and how to make them even more powerful by adding the ability to display and filter them.

What we are going to do is create a very simple events listing page for a company that organizes Jelly co-working events, located in the UK. This guide assumes that you have ready-access to WordPress.