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Dossier WordPress – Conseils de sécurité pour bien débuter et entretenir son site. - WordPress. Cet article a 2 années.

Dossier WordPress – Conseils de sécurité pour bien débuter et entretenir son site. - WordPress

Il commence à dater, lisez-le donc en gardant son âge en tête ! Merci publié le Lu 6 025 fois. WordPress est un des CMS les plus utilisés au monde. Ce succès n’est pas sans risque et va vous obliger à prendre de bon réflexe dès le début de l’aventure. Cet article et le dossier qui suit sont une réécriture complétée d’un ancien article de ce blog, il est possible que certains passages vous soient familiers. Dès l’installation À l’installation de WordPress, un certains nombre de pièges sont à éviter. Le pseudo d’administrateur Il vous faut choisir un pseudo, une information qui ne sera connue que par vous et qui ne devra pas être publique. Que faire si vous avez choisi « Admin » en guise de pseudo, ou si votre pseudo est votre nom public ? Vous pouvez en changer. Un mot de passe costaud Un mot de passe facile à trouver n’est vraiment pas recommandé (nom commun, prénom, date, etc.)

Changer le préfixe « wp_ » des tables SQL Clefs uniques d’authentification et salage.


Tuto. Wordpress. Comment intégrer une Page Google+ sur un blog WordPress. Référencer WordPress en 15 minutes. List of Top Wordpress Plug-ins Online Business Must Have. Almost 9,000 plug-ins are available for WordPress but the question is which ones are the best ones to use.

List of Top Wordpress Plug-ins Online Business Must Have

Everyone has their own list of what to use and how to use them. Instead of activating too many plug-ins that have the same features or same purpose, and even some issues because of the conflicts between them, you should consider using only these top plug-ins that help you to do the job better. Below is a list of plug-ins that I have found to be the most useful for your WordPress website’s security purposes: * Askimet: Add no more other plugin for spam protection.

The spam filter of this service is really efficient. * AskApache Password Protect: Set password for your admin dashboard, also with any files folder in your web host without messing with your database. . * Admin Log: Keep in track on all foot prints of users logged in to the blog admin area. . * WP-Ban: Ban users by IP, IP Range, host name, user agent and referer url from visiting your WordPress’s blog. 8 Excellent WordPress Caching Plugins to Speed Up Your Site. If you use WordPress as your publishing platform and are concerned about speeding up your website, caching will help you.

8 Excellent WordPress Caching Plugins to Speed Up Your Site

The faster a web page loads, the better the user experience is. This is how WordPress caching works: it generates a copy of your web pages and stores them in your server as static files (i.e. as HTML documents) and/or cached database queries. Afterwards, when a site visitor arrives at a particular page, the server gives them the cached page rather than re-querying your database and dynamically generating it, thus speeding up page response times and potentially reducing the server resources required for generating and serving a web page. For WordPress users, the easiest and quickest way to implement a caching system is by the use of a WordPress plugin.

There are several WordPress cache plugins out there, and below, you’ll find the most popular, highly recommended ones. 1. 2. Hyper Cache Extended has a satisfied user base, as evidenced by the ratings at 3. Flux Slider WordPress Plugin. WordPress Plugin This is the official Flux Slider plugin for WordPress.

Flux Slider WordPress Plugin

Creating stunning image sliders powered by CSS3 transitions has never been easier! Manage your image sliders from within the familier WordPress environment and then easily deploy them to any of your posts or pages. Creating an image slider couldn't be easier, simply: Upload your images using the intuitive plugin interface Select the transition effects to use from the large list of 2D & 3D CSS transitions Insert the slider shortcode into your post or page using the WYSIWYG extension If a picture is worth a thousand words, then Flux Slider has to be worth a few thousand at least. Download. Rel="author" and rel="me" in WordPress. WordPress.