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Custom Field Template. The Custom Field Template plugin adds the default custom fields on the Write Post/Page. The template format is almost same as the one of the rc:custom_field_gui plugin. The difference is following. You can set any number of the custom field templates and switch the templates when you write/edit the post/page.This plugin does not use the ini file for the template but set it in the option page of the plugin.Support for TinyMCE in the textarea.Support for media buttons in the textarea. - requires at least 2.5.Support for multiple fields with the same key.Support for hideKey and label options.You can see the full option list in the setting page of the plugin.You can customize the design of custom field template with css.You can replace custom keys by labels.You can use wpautop function.You can use PHP codes in order to set values. (experimental, code = 0)You can set an access user level in each field. (level = 1)Supprt for inserting custom field values into tags automatically.

Localization. Clean Options. Top 45 Wordpress Plugins & Tools For The Administration Area | Design your way. Although WordPress started as a small blogging system, it has now become a powerful CMS because but administrating your blog can be quite difficult sometimes. Luckily, there are some plugins that can make your life easier as an administrator. Let me know if you think there’s a plugin that should be on this list and I will update it. – Download Once it’s running it’ll begin collecting information about your pageviews, which posts and pages are the most popular, where your traffic is coming from, and what people click on when they leave.

It’ll also add a link to your dashboard which allows you to see all your stats on a single page. Less is more. – Download Once the plugin StatPress has been activated it immediately starts to collect statistics information. . – Download WassUp is a new WordPress plugin to track your visitors in real time. . – Download – Download Google Analyticator easily adds Google Analytics tracking support to a WordPress-powered blog. . – Download – Download – Download – Download. Plugin Organizer. Changer la structure des permaliens WordPress. Manage Multiple WordPress Blogs?|? Ozh' FAQ Auto Responder. Plugins pour optimiser votre admin Wordpress. Quand on blog on passe beaucoup de temps sur son lecteur de flux RSS, mais ce n’est rien comparé au temps passé sur l’admin du blog.

Écrire des articles, gérer ses tags, catégories, commentaires etc. Alors oui on y passe du temps donc autant que ça soit sympa. Et puis si on peut passer moins de temps sur des trucs chiant autant en profiter. Nous allons voir une série de plugin / astuces pour optimiser votre admin wordpress. Optimiser l’éditeur de texte WP Super Edit : Vous permet de rajouter tout un tas de bouton à votre éditeur de texte. Pratique si la vue du code vous donne des boutons.Tiny MCE Advanced : Un équivalent du précédent avec quelques différencesjQuery Post Preview : affiche un aperçu de l’article en instantané lorsque que vous utilisez l’éditeur en mode code.

Customiser votre admin wordpress Découvrez aussi 7 thèmes pour l’admin de WordPress : Optimiser la modération des articles Gérer votre blog depuis le front office Optimiser les menus de l’admin Optimiser la gestion des Tags. Disable Admin Bar.