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Miss Representation » Blog. The Feminist Texican. Women of The Revolution. Blog. 05/01/2010 - 06/01/2010. I am somewhat embarassed to admit that I made the mistake of giving up my individuality when I got married the first time. My parents had a fairly traditional marriage with Dad working and Mom staying at home to take care of us and the household. I guess I absorbed the values that the woman's place was in the home, and the man's was to dominate and take care of the woman.

The wife was to subsume her interests to those of her husband's and family's. This was not a healthy situation for our family, but I guess Mom and Dad didn't perceive any other options. I don't think either of them questioned it. When I met my ex-husband, I was in Germany on a Fulbright Scholarship, living life to the fullest, at the top of my game. My ex was quite open-minded and liberal and free-thinking - after all, he went to Oberlin College in Ohio, the first college to admit women and blacks and had absorbed the radical ideas being espoused there.

At least I didn't give up teaching! Until I got pregnant. Feminisnt > A Meddlesome Hussy Takes On the Enemies of Sexual Sa. Who Needs Feminism? Fuckyeahfeminism.