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Wikileaks War

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Tv5 piraté pour demander la libération de Julian Assange. La guerre de l’information n’est pas la cyberguerre » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. En prenant activement la défense de WikiLeaks, les Anonymous ont-ils franchi un cap supplémentaire dans la guerre de l'information?

La guerre de l’information n’est pas la cyberguerre » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism

Le vocabulaire mérite d'être précisé. MAJ du lundi 13 décembre: Après l’opération Payback, les Anonymous ont décidé de lancer l’opération Leakspin, augmentant les attaques par déni de service distribué d’une vaste enquête contributive. Pour résumer, ils souhaitent se concentrer sur les mémos diplomatiques déjà publiés par WikiLeaks pour mettre au jour des informations qui n’auraient pas été révélées par les médias. L’inquiétante vidéo ci-dessous détaille cette nouvelle initiative, qu’on peut envisager comme la troisième phase (après les miroirs et les DDoS): Mais les soucis techniques des uns et des autres ne se sont pas arrêtés pour autant. Quelques minutes plus tard, Gawker était également attaqué. [DDOSWAR NOW!]

Pour le Guardian, jeudi 9 décembre est “le jour où la cyberguerre a été déclarée”. Il est pour l’instant relativement mineur. The Pirate Bay - The world's most resilient bittorrent site. The Virtual Bay So, first we ditched the trackers.

The Pirate Bay - The world's most resilient bittorrent site

We even got rid of the torrents. Then we left the servers to enter the clouds. Now, we're about to take the biggest step in our history. As piracy is about to change from sharing of files into the sharing of everything, we're planning our departure from this earthly form. No, this is no longer science fiction.

In cooperation with russian, israeli and japanese neuro scientists, we are developing a device that will embrace your entire mind. Using a simple plugin into the the brain, you will no longer only be able to see and hear a movie, a game or whatever it is you want. Using your brain power and nervous system, we will be able to speed things up. Anonops History. One account.

Anonops History

All of Google. Sign in to continue to Blogger Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account One Google Account for everything Google. Likely Service Disruption - Twitter status at downrightnow. Operation Payback Setup Guide. AnonOps: TARGET: WWW.TWITTER.COM: F... WikiLeaks sympathisers attack websites. It's not just you! Posted to Pastebin by anonymous on 8th of December. Claimed t. The Story Behind the Mastercard DDoS. So, what is Anonymous?

The Story Behind the Mastercard DDoS

Well, it could be you. The general concept is simple, there are people that want to send a message that the Internet is a sovereign territory and they are grouping together on a specific cluster of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) servers. The active server right now is When you join the server it suggests several channels for you to join (channels are like chat rooms): #vhost, #target, #WikiLeaks, #propaganda, #recruit, #setup, #lounge, and #anonops So what you do is join #setup and it tells you to go to a specific URL to get the DDoS attack software. What is amazing is that these people are having success, they are operating a full PR campaign that has created logos, Wikipedia pages, web sites, operations infastructure, and attack software.

Their botnet is also rather unusual. Right now they are a bit disorganized and they don’t have much polish to what they are doing. Welcome to the age of the Digital Native. Performance report.