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Secret order that let US ignore abuse. A prisoner was kneeling on the ground, blindfolded and handcuffed, when an Iraqi soldier walked over to him and kicked him in the neck. A US marine sergeant was watching and reported the incident, which was duly recorded and judged to be valid. The outcome: "No investigation required. " That was a relatively minor assault. Another of the leaked Iraqi war logs records the case of a man who was arrested by police on suspicion of preparing a suicide bomb. In the station, an officer shot him in the leg and then, the log continues, this detainee "suffered abuse which amounted to cracked ribs, multiple lacerations and welts and bruises from being whipped with a large rod and hose across his back".

Other logs record not merely assaults but systematic torture. This is the impact of Frago 242. Frago 242 appears to have been issued as part of the wider political effort to pass the management of security from the coalition to Iraqi hands. There is no question of the allegations all being false. Detainees handed over despite reports of torture. Special Rapporteur on Torture. Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment Latest 2011 - General Assembly report - A/66/268 A much needed push to eradicate torture in Latin America and the Caribbean , 14 June 2011 The visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment in Tunisia (15- 22 May) Press Statement [ E F ] Statement by Mr. 2011 – Human Rights Council - Main report - A/HRC/16/52 [ E R S C ] 2011 – Human Rights Council-Communications to and from Governments -A/HRC/16/52/Add.2 [ EFS only]

Systematisk tortyr under kriget. I genomsnitt rapporterades under perioden 2004-2009 ett misstänkt övergrepp eller krigsbrott per dag begånget av de amerikanska soldaterna, deras irakiska allierade eller okända gärningsmän.

Systematisk tortyr under kriget

Bland de 391.832 krigshändelserna som rapporterades under de sex åren finns flera fall av övergrepp mot barn. Rapporterna om övergrepp under de sex åren kommer från så gott som alla delar av Irak och handlar om våld, tortyr och förräderi både mot fångar och civila. Civila bombröjareI ett dokument rapporteras att en plutonchef hade för vana att använda vanliga civila som bombröjare. De fick rensa vägen från skrot och annat skräp när man misstänkte att det fanns hemmagjorda bomber där soldaterna skulle fram. Och materialet innehåller flera liknande historier. Mer än 2/3 av rapporterna rör irakisk militär eller polis som den USA-ledda koalitionen tränat upp. Trots detta kommer larm om systematisk tortyr på polisstationer och i fängelser.