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Un journal norvégien affirme avoir les 250.000 câbles de WikiLeaks. Un journal norvégien affirme avoir mis la main sur la totalité des 250.000 câbles diplomatiques que détient WikiLeaks, sans le consentement de l’organisation de Julian Assange.

Un journal norvégien affirme avoir les 250.000 câbles de WikiLeaks

L'Aftenposten, un des journaux les plus lus et les plus influents de Norvège, écrit sur son site: «Aftenposten a eu accès aux 250.000 documents provenant de la dernière fuite de WikiLeaks. […] Au cours des prochains jours, semaines et mois, nous allons parcourir cette énorme masse d’information et publier des articles de manière continue en ligne et dans le journal. Pour rendre notre travail plus efficace, nous aimerions avoir les conseils de nos lecteurs. Y a-t-il une question que vous vous posez et dont vous pensez que la réponse puisse se trouver dans les messages qui ont été transmis à WikiLeaks?»

Why I'm Posting Bail Money for Julian Assange. **Sen.

Why I'm Posting Bail Money for Julian Assange

Joe Lieberman says WikiLeaks "has violated the Espionage Act. " **The New Yorker's George Packer calls Assange "super-secretive, thin-skinned, [and] megalomaniacal. " **Sarah Palin claims he's "an anti-American operative with blood on his hands" whom we should pursue "with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders. " **Democrat Bob Beckel (Walter Mondale's 1984 campaign manager) said about Assange on Fox: "A dead man can't leak stuff ... there's only one way to do it: illegally shoot the son of a bitch. " **Republican Mary Matalin says "he's a psychopath, a sociopath ... **Rep. [Jeu] WikiLeaks The Game : vous aussi volez des documents secrets. PostFinance risque d'être poursuivi pour avoir annoncé la fermeture du compte du fondateur de WikiLeaks - - info - economie.

Il n'est pas impossible que PostFinance ait violé le secret postal en annonçant la fermeture du compte de Julian Assange, le fondateur de WikiLeaks.

PostFinance risque d'être poursuivi pour avoir annoncé la fermeture du compte du fondateur de WikiLeaks - - info - economie

Selon la presse alémanique, la justice bernoise et le Ministère public de la Confédération pourraient ouvrir un dossier pénal. Pour le Ministère public de la Confédération (MPC), le délit pourrait être poursuivi d'office, La Poste étant encore une régie fédérale. Indoleaks Touts Revealing WikiLeaks Documents, But Technical Problems Persist. Indoleaks Touts Revealing WikiLeaks Documents, But Technical Problems Persist | December 13, 2010 Indonesia’s own version of WikiLeaks posted more sensitive state documents on its Web site over the weekend, including a conversation between former President Suharto and former US President Gerald Ford about communism and East Timor.

Indoleaks Touts Revealing WikiLeaks Documents, But Technical Problems Persist

But technology does not appear to be on the side of the recently established, which is still intermittently accessible. A number of newly posted documents were unavailable for download for unclear reasons. The one document the Jakarta Globe managed to download on Sunday was a declassified description of a discussion between former President Suharto and former US President Gerald Ford, dated July 5, 1975. In it, Suharto explained Indonesia’s policy on East Timor before its December 1975 invasion. Suharto said: “Indonesia will not use force against the territory of other countries. The government claimed not to be concerned by the Web site. Pentagon Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg: Julian Assange is Not a Terrorist. This is a rush transcript.

Pentagon Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg: Julian Assange is Not a Terrorist

Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: The Guardian newspaper, for whom [John Vidal] writes, is a British newspaper that is one of the partners with WikiLeaks in releasing the State Department cables. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been transferred to the segregation unit of the London prison he has been held since his arrest earlier this week, this according to The Guardian newspaper. Assange was been denied bail following his arrest in London on Tuesday on an international warrant to face sexual crime allegations in Sweden.

He will remain in custody until at least December 14th, when a British court takes up a Swedish request for extradition. Meanwhile, in the United States, the Justice Department has made it clear it hopes to prosecute Julian Assange over the leaked documents. ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER: We have an active, ongoing, serious investigation of that matter. Dan Ellsberg, welcome to Democracy Now! Show Full Transcript › WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange 'to be charged with spying by the US' By David Gardner Updated: 00:07 GMT, 11 December 2010 Julian Assange asks to be switched to solitary - but complains he hasn't got access to a computerHe claims he's bored with watching daytime TVPfizer revealed to have hired detectives to prevent legal battle over drug trial deaths in Africa US prosecutors are said to be finalising their case against Assange, who published more than 250,000 secret diplomatic messages America is set to bring spying charges against jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, claims his lawyer.

She believes U.S. prosecutors are finalising their case against the 39-year-old behind the publication of more than 250,000 secret diplomatic messages. Jennifer Robinson said she understands U.S. charges are ‘imminent’. U.S. Though he appears to have committed no crime in the States, the administration is under enormous pressure to find some way of punishing the Australian for unleashing a stream of diplomatic embarrassments on to the internet. But the U.N.' DNS Provider Mistakenly Caught in WikiLeaks Saga Now Supports the Group.

A DNS provider that suffered backlash last week after it was wrongly identified as supplying and then dropping DNS service to WikiLeaks has decided to support the secret-spilling site, offering DNS service to two domains distributing WikiLeaks content.

DNS Provider Mistakenly Caught in WikiLeaks Saga Now Supports the Group

EasyDNS, a Canadian firm, was attacked last Friday after media outlets mistakenly reported it had terminated its service for WikiLeaks. The company sent an e-mail to customers Thursday morning letting them know that it had begun providing DNS service for and, two of the primary domain names WikiLeaks relocated to after stopped resolving. “We’ve already done the time, we might as well do the crime,” Mark Jeftovic, president and CEO of EasyDNS, told Threat Level about his decision. DNS service providers translate human-friendly domain names to IP addresses, so when someone types into their browser, for example, they’re properly connected to, the address of the host. La Russie a son WikiLeaks à elle. Wikileaks prepares new leaks release. Meet The New Public Face Of WikiLeaks: Kristinn Hrafnsson - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall. Cyberattackers Focus on Enemies of WikiLeaks’s Assange.

Within 12 hours of a British judge’s decision on Tuesday to deny Mr.

Cyberattackers Focus on Enemies of WikiLeaks’s Assange

Assange bail in a Swedish extradition case, attacks on the Web sites of WikiLeaks’s “enemies,” as defined by the organization’s impassioned supporters around the world, caused several corporate Web sites to become inaccessible or slow down markedly. Targets of the attacks, in which activists overwhelmed the sites with traffic, included the Web site of MasterCard, which had stopped processing donations for WikiLeaks;, which revoked the use of its computer servers; and PayPal, which stopped accepting donations for Mr.

Assange’s group. was also affected by the attacks, as were the Web sites of the Swedish prosecutor’s office and the lawyer representing the two women whose allegations of sexual misconduct are the basis of Sweden’s extradition bid. The speed and range of the attacks also appeared to show the resilience of the backing among computer activists for Mr. Mr. In recent months, some of Mr. Mr. WikiLeaks Hacker Friends Claim MasterCard Attack. Updated at 2:11 p.m.

WikiLeaks Hacker Friends Claim MasterCard Attack

ET Hackers rushed to the defense of WikiLeaks on Wednesday, launching attacks on MasterCard, Swedish prosecutors, a Swiss bank and others who have acted against the site and its jailed founder Julian Assange. Special Report: WikiLeaks So-called "hacktivists" operating under the label "Operation Payback" claimed responsibility in a Twitter message for causing severe technological problems at the website for MasterCard, which pulled the plug on its relationship with WikiLeaks a day ago. WikiLeaks : colère feutrée à l'ONU après les accusations d'espionnage. LE MONDE pour Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Alexandra Geneste - Nations unies (New York) Correspondante.

WikiLeaks : colère feutrée à l'ONU après les accusations d'espionnage

WikiLeaks: les hackers contre-attaquent - Monde. Le site de l avocat des Suédoises aussi attaqué. «Notre boîte e-mail et notre site internet ont été piratés la nuit dernière ou tôt ce matin», a déclaré Me Claes Borgström lors d'une conférence de presse dans son cabinet à Stockholm.

Le site de l avocat des Suédoises aussi attaqué

«Nous pensons que ce sont les mêmes personnes qui ont attaqué le site des procureurs», a ajouté l'avocat des deux plaignantes suédoises. Cible mardi d'une cyber-attaque, le site internet du parquet suédois qui est à l'origine des poursuites contre Julian Assange détenu depuis mardi à Londres, fonctionnait à nouveau mercredi matin. Groupe baptisé «Anonymes» Selon Panda Security, le site du parquet ( a été rendu inaccessible par des pirates regroupés au sein d'un groupe baptisé «Anonymes». Après avoir été inaccessible plusieurs heures, le site des procureurs suédois, canal de diffusion des annonces du procureur en charge du dossier Marianne Ny, était de nouveau opérationnel. Il faut défendre WikiLeaks (et c’est urgent)

La moutarde a commencé à me piquer la narine lundi dernier, au brossage, quand Hubert Védrine, ex-conseiller mitterrandien reconverti dans la sagesse diplomatique, a dézingué WikiLeaks à grands coups de bazooka, parlant au micro matutinal de Patrick Cohen d’entreprise totalitaire et de fanatisme. Vous me direz, il faisait son boulot, l’ex-ministre des Ambassadeurs, défendre l’intimité de ses confrères, leur droit inaliénable à touiller leur petite soupe dans leur petit coin, bien à l’abri des curiosités et des questions indiscrètes; vous ne m’empêcherez pas de trouver des points communs entre ses excès et ceux d’autres personnalités du camp d’en face – Védrine est socialiste – qui, en leur temps, parlaient délicatement et pour les mêmes raisons, à propos des révélations de Médiapart sur l’affaire Woerth-Bettencourt, de « trotsko-fachisme » et de pratiques staliniennes.

WikiLeaks, SDF du web. Wikileaks ne changera rien. - La Une du Monde John Schults / Reuters - Depuis le 11 septembre 2001, on répète insatiablement le même lieu commun: «le monde a définitivement et irrévocablement changé». C’est faux. Bien que certaines choses aient changé, la vie de l’immense majorité des gens est la même qu’avant; elle suit son cours normalement. Il en va de même pour le scandale Wikileaks.

Les informations divulguées auront naturellement des conséquences, dont certaines seront peut-être significatives. 1. Bin Laden among latest Wikileaks Afghan revelations. 27 July 2010Last updated at 15:21 Nato mistook civilians for insurgents when it bombed a fuel convoy in Kunduz in September 2009 New details, including reports on Osama Bin Laden dating from 2006, have emerged from 90,000 US military files leaked to the Wikileaks website. Several files track Bin Laden, although the US has said it had received no reliable information on him "in years".

The details come as the Pentagon investigates who leaked the classified documents, in an act the White House says could harm national security. Wikileaks describes the documents as battlefield and intelligence reports. Continue reading the main story Key revelations It says they were compiled by a variety of military units between 2004 and 2009. Pourquoi Wikileaks est bon pour l'Amérique.

A truly free press — one unfettered by concerns of nationalism — is apparently a terrifying problem for elected governments and tyrannies alike. It shouldn’t be. In the past week, after publishing secret U.S. diplomatic cables, secret-spilling site WikiLeaks has been hit with denial-of-service attacks on its servers by unknown parties; its backup hosting provider, Amazon, booted WikiLeaks off its hosting service; and PayPal has suspended its donation-collecting account, damaging WikiLeaks’ ability to raise funds.

MasterCard announced Monday it was blocking credit card payments to WikiLeaks, saying the site was engaged in illegal activities, despite the fact it has never been charged with a crime. Meanwhile, U.S. politicians have ramped up the rhetoric against the nonprofit, calling for the arrest and prosecution and even assassination of its most visible spokesman, Julian Assange. PayPal visé par des attaques DDOS après le gel du compte de Wikileaks.


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