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Déclaration du Pfc. Bradley E. Manning devant la Commission d’enquête préparatoire : Reflets - Pale Moon. Reflets a joué au traducteur. La presse française est silencieuse sur le procès de Bradley Manning alors qu’il a des répercussions insoupçonnables. Voici donc sa déclaration devant la commission d’enquête préparatoire visant à déterminer si un accord sur la base du plaider coupable est possible. Nous avons traduit les notes de Alexia O’Brien que vous trouverez ici en anglais. Greetz : Reflets remercie tous ceux qui ont participé à la relecture de la traduction pour l’expurger des erreurs. Il ressort principalement trois choses de ce témoignage. 1) Bradley Manning semble être une personne équilibrée qui réagit aux événements auxquels il est confronté sur la base d’une éthique et d’une morale raisonnables. 2) Bradley Manning a eu accès à une foule d’informations parce que les néocons de Washington avaient décidé de fournir toutes ces informations à tous les « combatants » afin qu’ils puissent prendre des décisions fondées et rapides.

Déclaration du Pfc. Par Alexa O’Brien Juge Lind: Pfc. Why EL PAÍS chose to publish the leaks · ELPAÍ in English. 1. The leak and its consequences. When WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange called my cellphone on a Friday afternoon in November, I could barely hear him. The conversation, held amid the usual tumult of Rome's airport on a weekend, was strangely short. Assange talked slowly, making sure to pronounce each word carefully, his deep, almost baritone voice, reducing itself almost to a whisper at the end of each sentence.

A few moments before the conversation, I had noticed how the Italian police seemed particularly interested in the little luggage that I was carrying, and that as the phone had rung, they were examining the cloth that I had used to wipe the screen of my iPad. The powerful machinery of the state is designed to suppress the flow of truth and keep secrets secret It may yet emerge that the US Embassy in Madrid broke the law in pursuing its interests 2. 3. Tens of thousands of soldiers are fighting a war in Afghanistan that their respective leaders know is not winnable. 4. 5. 6. 7. Seven Thoughts on Wikileaks. WikiLeaks Archive — Cables Uncloak U.S. Diplomacy - Interactive Feature. A Note to Readers - The Decision to Publish. Pourquoi "Le Monde" publie les documents WikiLeaks. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Sylvie Kauffmann Pour la deuxième fois, Le Monde publie, à partir de dimanche 28 novembre, sur son site, et à partir de lundi dans le quotidien, des informations tirées de documents officiels secrets américains, mis à sa disposition par le site WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks est une organisation informelle créée en 2006 par un apôtre de la transparence intégrale, l'Australien Julian Assange, dans le but de rendre publics sur Internet des documents officiels qui n'étaient pas destinés à le devenir. En octobre, nous avons rejoint trois journaux, le New York Times, le quotidien britannique The Guardian et l'allemand Der Spiegel, déjà partenaires de WikiLeaks dans la diffusion d'une première vague de documents militaires américains sur l'Afghanistan, en juillet, pour pouvoir analyser par nous-mêmes une nouvelle masse de documents du Pentagone livrés à WikiLeaks, cette fois sur l'Irak, et offrir aux lecteurs francophones notre propre expertise. Editor's note: publishing the cables | World news. The articles published today and over coming weeks are drawn from US state department cables which were sent earlier this year to WikiLeaks, an organisation devoted to exposing secrets of all kinds.

The Guardian is one of five publications around the world which has had prior access to the material – around 250,000 cables in all – on condition that we observed common deadlines over the timings of release. The others are the New York Times, Le Monde, El País and Der Spiegel. The leaked material is the third such exercise in which the Guardian and other publications have been involved. The previous two involved military records from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The current release is of leaked dispatches from more than 250 US embassies and consulates worldwide. The documents range from unclassified to "secret". The latter is two rungs below the most confidential ranking of information: more than three million US citizens are cleared to see "secret" material.

Pentagon Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg on Upcoming Iraq War Wikileaks Docs (Part 1 of 2) WikiLeaks site's Swiss registrar dismisses pressure to take it offline | Media. WikiLeaks received a boost tonight when Switzerland rejected growing international calls to force the site off the internet. The whistleblowers site, which has been publishing leaked US embassy cables, was forced to switch domain names to yesterday after the US host of its main website,, pulled the plug following mounting political pressure. The site's new Swiss registry, Switch, today said there was "no reason" why it should be forced offline, despite demands from France and the US. Switch is a non-profit registry set up by the Swiss government for all 1.5 million Swiss .ch domain names.

The reassurances come just hours after eBay-owned PayPal, the primary donation channel to WikiLeaks, terminated its links with the site, citing "illegal activity". France yesterday added to US calls for all companies and organisations to terminate their relationship with WikiLeaks following the release of 250,000 secret US diplomatic cables. Don't shoot messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths. Elizabeth Cook's artist impression of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's appearance at Westminster Magistrates Court in London, where he was denied bail after appearing on an extradition warrant. Source: AP WIKILEAKS deserves protection, not threats and attacks. IN 1958 a young Rupert Murdoch, then owner and editor of Adelaide's The News, wrote: "In the race between secrecy and truth, it seems inevitable that truth will always win.

" His observation perhaps reflected his father Keith Murdoch's expose that Australian troops were being needlessly sacrificed by incompetent British commanders on the shores of Gallipoli. The British tried to shut him up but Keith Murdoch would not be silenced and his efforts led to the termination of the disastrous Gallipoli campaign. Nearly a century later, WikiLeaks is also fearlessly publishing facts that need to be made public. I grew up in a Queensland country town where people spoke their minds bluntly. These things have stayed with me. It is neither.