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Resources | Biomimicry-UK. De la neige au bitume : Rossignol transforme des snowboards défectueux en longskates vertueux. Ford Dearborn Truck Plant Green Roof at the Rouge Complex: Looking Back Ten Years. In the news Back to Guest Features october 2013guest feature article Ford Dearborn Truck Plant Green Roof at the Rouge Complex: Looking Back Ten Years In the history of the U.S. auto industry – indeed, in the history of American industry – the Ford River Rouge Plant stands out as a legendary manufacturing facility. Constructed between 1917-1928 at the confluence of the Rouge and Detroit Rivers in Dearborn, Michigan, the massive Rouge was the largest industrial complex in the world.

The numbers detailed in the Ford Motor Company’s history of the Rouge are remarkable. The Rouge had a workforce of more than 100,000 by the 1930s. At its height, the Rouge symbolized the power and promise of America’s industrial might. William Clay "Bill" Ford, Jr. The Dearborn Truck Plant green roof is a central element in the renovation project’s pioneering landscaped system for stormwater management. It has been said that Bill Ford’s vision, in its own way, was as audacious as his great-grandfather’s. The story of palm oil. Oliver Balch Photo: Alamy Global production of palm oil has doubled over the last decade, and is set to double again by 2020.

Driving much of this growth is the rapid expansion of demand in Asia’s populous emerging markets, where palm oil is liberally used in frying and cooking. Of the 59m metric tonnes (MT) of palm oil produced in the 2013/14 financial year, 42% was consumed in one of just three countries: India (8.3m MT), Indonesia (9.8m MT) and China (6.4m MT). Lagging behind in fourth are the 27 member states of the European Union, which collectively consumed just over 10% (6.2m MT). Yet when it comes to certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO), the story is very different.

Europe’s dominance in the CSPO trade isn’t altogether surprising. As public awareness has grown, so has pressure on policymakers and corporations to take action. Likewise, many of the huge corporate buyers driving demand for sustainable palm oil are headquartered in Europe. In contrast, uptake in Asia is slow. Welcome to Calera. Nearly New Office Facilities. Tim Brannigan sur Twitter : "If only bananas had robust, natural, bio-degradable packaging of their own. Some sort of peelable skin, perhaps. La voiture bio-sourcée a… 73 ans. À l’heure où constructeurs et équipementiers nous vantent les mérites des matériaux bio-sourcés dans les voitures du futur, force est de constater que l’approche n’est pas nouvelle ! Ainsi Henry Ford, l’un des grands visionnaires de l’automobile du XXe siècle, demanda-t-il au début des années 1930 à ses bureaux d’études de développer une voiture 100 % naturelle. Une démarche d’autant plus naturelle pour lui qu’il était proche du monde agricole auquel il fournissait déjà beaucoup de tracteurs.

C’est ainsi que fut présentée le 14 août 1941 la Hemp Body Car (la voiture à carrosserie en chanvre) développée sous la houlette de Lowell Overly. Si le châssis et quelques renforts étaient encore métalliques, celle-ci disposait d’une carrosserie entièrement réalisée en matériau plastique obtenu à partir de graines de chanvre et de soja, renforcé par des fibres de sisal et de paille de blé. Des gains importants en fabrication Mais le recours aux biomatériaux ne s’arrêtait pas là. REGENERATION SYSTEM. Hamish Jolly: A shark-deterrent wetsuit (and it's not what you think)