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Cognitive Theory

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Mental Models Diagrams Cartoon. Aris Venetikidis: Making sense of maps. GOMS and Keystroke-Level Model. Lorin Hochstein October 2002 Overview GOMS is a modeling technique (more specifically, a family of modeling techniques) that analyzes the user complexity of interactive systems. It is used by software designers to model user behavior. Several variations of GOMS have been developed. Scope and Application A GOMS model provides the designer with a model of a user's behavior while performing well-known tasks. Functionality Coverage If the designer has a list of likely user goals, GOMS models can be used to verify that a method exists to achieve each of these goals. Execution time GOMS models can predict the time it will take for the user to carry out a goal (assuming an expert user with no mistakes). Help systems Since GOMS models are an explicit representation of expert user activity, they can assist in designing help systems and tutorials to assist users in achieving goals.

Principles Goals Goals are what the user is trying to accomplish. Operators Methods Selection rules Examples. Miller's Law - The Jellyvision Lab. Donald Norman. Donald Arthur "Don" Norman (born December 25, 1935) is the director of The Design Lab at University of California, San Diego.[1][2] He is best known for his books on design, especially The Design of Everyday Things.

He is widely regarded for his expertise in the fields of design, usability engineering, and cognitive science.[3] He is also a co-founder and consultant with the Nielsen Norman Group. Much of Norman's work involves the advocacy of user-centered design.[4] His books all have the underlying purpose of furthering the field of design, from doors to computers.

Norman has taken a controversial stance in saying that the design research community has had little impact in the innovation of products, and that while academics can help in refining existing products, it is technologists that accomplish the breakthroughs.[5] Norman is an active Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), where he spends two months a year teaching. Approach from Cognitive Theories. Cognitive theories try to predict the user’s behavior based on their mental model of the system. So the theory requires that we model up how the user interacts with the system, then use that model to predict future interactions with that system. A Cognitive Theory approach to group web Our situation (individuals working as a group to digitally curate information about HCI theories) analyzed from the cognitive theories may provide us with further insight into how the system functions and accomplishes the goal.

The group is using an online application called Pearltrees to display the various aspects of the HCI theories. This application displays the information as a web, showing the relationships within and between theories. Cognitive theory is one of the foundational theories in our field. Pearltree for Cognitive Theories To learn more about Cognitive Theories, check out the Pearltree! Like this: Like Loading...