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LABOUR PLUS SEMINAR ......NEWRY & MOURNE 2014. Roma - Economic Costs of Roma Exclusion. This note summarizes the initial findings of an ongoing study and dialogue by the World Bank on the economic costs of Roma exclusion2. The Roma are perhaps the largest trans-national minority in Europe. They are also one of the poorest communities in Europe, being frequently excluded from the formal labor market. This note focuses on the economic and fiscal costs of exclusion of Roma in four Central and Eastern European countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, and Serbia. Economic costs arise because of low levels of Roma employment and low earnings among those working. Fiscal costs arise because low employment and low earnings translate into substantially lower tax receipts and higher net social security expenditures.

To estimate the extent of the economic and fiscal costs, detailed nationally representative survey data are used and official Roma population estimates from national censuses.3 Labor Market Exclusion of Roma Working age Roma lack sufficient human capital. 10 Goals for Improving Access to Education for Roma. Education of Roma children | Preschool. Teaching kit for children at preschool level As for all children of any ethnic origin, Roma have considerably better chances of succeeding at school if they receive pre-school education (nursery school or kindergarten).

It is particularly important for Roma children, who often have problems in adapting to school and do not speak the majority language. Failure to speak the majority language is frequently identified as one of the prime factors in failure at school for Roma; the learning of that language should therefore start at pre-school level and continue at primary school.

The Council of Europe has developed a preschool teaching kit, an education programme designed to prepare children for entry into school, (as many Roma, Sinti, Traveller children do not attend nursery school for different reasons). The teaching kit helps facilitate an intellectual, emotional and social development within Roma communities by building up an educational tool for children between the ages of 5 and 7. Labour Plus. Padua Province study on Labor Market. Articles ROMED | ROMED. The situation of Roma women: FRA data analysis. The situation of Roma in 11 EU Member States - Survey results at a glance. The_situation_of_Roma. Labour_Plus_2nd_newsletter.

Labour_plus_1st_newlestter_Final. Baseline_study_final_nov. Home. Final_Report_best_practices.