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Vivian @ Virtus Education. 21st Century Tools. Educational tools & classroom technology. 25 Ways Teachers Can Integrate Social Media Into Education. 6 Types of Blended Learning. Blended Learning is not so much an innovation as it is a natural by-product of the digital domain creeping into physical boundaries.

As digital and social media become more and more prevalent in the life of learners, it was only a matter of time before learning became “blended” by necessity. That said, there’s a bit more to Blended and “Hybrid” Learning than throwing in a little digital learning. 6 Types of Blended Learning Face-to-face DriverRotationFlexOnline LabSelf-BlendOnline Driver The following infographic takes a different approach to the concept, labeling it “Disruptive,” and even offering an interesting matrix. One interesting prediction? By 2014, 50% of all post-secondary learners will take a class online. Learning and Education.

As technology continues to transform our society, those responsible for our current systems of learning and education are facing overwhelming pressure to adapt. Education technology, connected learning and the rise of the Networked Society is transforming the established concept of learning, teachers’ roles and even the nature of knowledge itself. Can ICT redefine the way we learn in the Networked Society? In this video, renowned experts and educators explain how learning and education are shifting away from a model based on memorization and repetition toward one that focuses on individual needs and self-expression. Lifelong learning Formalized education is only one of many sources for the knowledge and skills we need to be able to participate in and contribute in society.

Education technology and connected learning provide almost unlimited possibilities for the continuous development of skills and knowledge throughout our lives. Future schools An ecosystem for learning. What To Expect From Education In 2013. Guessing what the future of education holds is equal parts logic and guesswork. The logical part is simpler–take current trends and trace their arc further, doing your best to account for minor aberrations. If the majority of public education in the United States is waist-deep in adopting new academic standards, it doesn’t take Nostradamus to predict they are going to have a strong gravity about them in the education at large. What’s Certain In 2013, a theme that is absolutely certain is disruption.

Some of that disruption will be through technology, some of it decay of existing power-sets. In 2013, those trends will continue, along with some new ideas as we begin to demand more than feel-good potential out of learning experiences for students. What To Expect From Education In 2013 1. As technology improves, increased access and diversity are two changes you can be certain of. 2. 3. 4. 5.

OCW and MOOCs, in one way or another, are changing the way we think about learning. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Flipped Classroom: What are the Pros and Cons? A guest post by Anne Wujcik You’ve probably heard at least a little bit about flipped learning. Flipping a classroom (or a lesson) typically involves reversing the way instructional time is used, delivering instruction outside of classroom time and moving “homework” into the classroom. Teachers prepare short video lessons (or search out appropriate lessons and other resources on the web) that students watch at home and class time is spent on a variety of activities that allow students to dive deeply into the ideas – interactive labs, collaborative problem-solving sessions, hands-on problem solving activities, one-on-one tutoring sessions and more.

Supporters claim that this approach transfers the ownership of learning to the students and makes learning – not teaching – the center of the classroom. Sounds logical, but there are benefits and drawbacks to consider as these two teacher points-of-view make clear! Have you tried flipping some lessons or an entire class? Eight Things in Education That Will Change in the Digital Age. Flip teaching. Flip teaching or a flipped classroom is a form of blended learning in which students learn new content online by watching video lectures, usually at home, and what used to be homework (assigned problems) is now done in class with teachers offering more personalized guidance and interaction with students, instead of lecturing.

This is also known as backwards classroom, flipped classroom, reverse teaching, and the Thayer Method. "[1][2][3] Traditional vs flipped teaching[edit] The traditional pattern of teaching has been to assign students to read textbooks and work on problem sets outside school, while listening to lectures and taking tests in class. "My AP Calculus class was a really anxious environment, it was weird trying to get through way too much material with not enough time. In flip teaching, the students first study the topic by themselves, typically using video lessons prepared by the teacher[5][6] or third parties. Flipped classrooms free class time for hands-on work. Math[edit] Infinite Thinking Machine - The Infinite Thinking Machine. Web 2 tools. 50 Powerful Ways To Use Skype In The Classroom. Added by Katie Lepi on 2012-11-15 Collaborate!

Meet with other classrooms : One of the most common projects educators utilize Skype for is setting up exchanges with classrooms around the world, usually for cultural exchange purposes or working together on a common assignment. The program’s official site provides some great opportunities to meet up with like-minded teachers and students sharing the same goals.

Practice a foreign language : Connect with individual learners or classrooms hailing from a different native tongue can use a Skype collaboration to sharpen grammar and pronunciation skills through conversation. Communicate! Parent-teacher conferences : Save gas, time, and energy by holding meetings with moms and dads via video chat instead of the usual arrangement. Connect! Art crits : Schedule time with professional artists and receive thorough crits about how to improve a piece. And here’s the tools to help you do it! Comments are closed.