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Wetter Apps und Online-Wetterdienste im Test. - Wetter und Klima im Überblick. Wetterstation Porta. Satbilder. Satbilder. Satbilder. Satbilder. - Aktuelles Wetter, Wetterprognose & Wetterradar. Wetter Wetterbericht Urlaubswetter. Wetter Wolken Deutschland (Rheinland-Pfalz Mayen-Koblenz) - Luftdruck Urlaub in Wolken Reisewetter Künsterhof. Aktuelle Satellitenbilder für Europa. Gallery. Operational Significant Event Imagery. The Operational Significant Event Imagery (OSEI) team produced high-resolution, detailed imagery of significant environmental events which were visible in remotely-sensed data.

Operational Significant Event Imagery

These images provided members of the public and media with broadcast, print and web-quality imagery created by the OSEI team of particularly significant or newsworthy environmental events which were visible in satellite data. During some hurricane events, multiple images were generated. The last image to update the OSEI site was generated in July, 2010. Since August 1, 2010, the image of the day and other significant images have been generated by the NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory (EVL) and placed on their site.

With the consolidation of our web sites, it was determined that the OSEI web site should be discontinued. For daily Significant Event Imagery, please visit the NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory (EVL). Aktuelle Satellitenbilder - Die Alpen. Vorhersagefilme Europa und Nordatlantik Wolken/Regen. Aktuelles, Aktuelle Ereignisse bei der Yachtwerft Martin, Neuigkeiten, Wetter, Wind, Pegel Bodensee Konstanz, Satellitenaufnahmen der Wolken. Sommersaison Es wird wieder wärmer - Die neue Saison naht.

Aktuelles, Aktuelle Ereignisse bei der Yachtwerft Martin, Neuigkeiten, Wetter, Wind, Pegel Bodensee Konstanz, Satellitenaufnahmen der Wolken

Wir helfen Ihnen, frühzeitig auf dem Wasser zu sein. Sprechen Sie mit uns darüber ! Machen Sie einen Termin aus. Gebrauchte Yachten / Yachten aus zweiter Hand Wir bieten Ihnen ständig Yachten aus zweiter Hand an. Rückblick auf eien erfolgreiche Interboot 2013 Vom 21. - 29. Neuer 45er Nach langer Pause baut die Martin-Werft wieder einen von Josef Martin neu konstruierten 45er Nationalen Kreuzer Neuer Prospekt Fordern Sie unseren neu erstellten Prospekt mit dem Kontaktformular an.

Interactive Weather Satellite Imagery Viewers from NASA GHCC. Europe. Day Image. The latest 24 hours of World Weather in images All times are in UTC (z).

Day Image

The local noon image is presented in false colour (combination of visible light and infrared). All other images are IR only with clouds projected over NASA's Blue Marble imagery. All data used to produce the Meteosat images is Courtesy Eumetsat and for the Goes images courtesy NOAA. Image production and associated rights reside with Ferdinand Valk, Earth at Large. Click on the images for full size. The "Latest 24 hours of World Weather" images are continuously refreshed. MTSAT-1R - East Asia, Australia and Pacific During the eclipse season the 15:00UTC slot may be replaced by an adjacent time slot.

Meteosat 7 - Central Asia and Indian Ocean During the eclipse season the 21:00UTC slot may be replaced by an adjacent time slot. Meteosat 8 - View of Greater Europe Meteosat 8 - Europe, Africa and Atlantic Ocean Goes East - The Americas. EuisoTTPPWW.gif (GIF-Grafik, 989x949 Pixel) - Skaliert (89%) GOES Project Science.