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Blogs » Blog Archive » vtiger CRM 5.2.0 Released. CRM software today fills a number of departmental needs in a company, and touts benefits for marketing, sales, support, and even other areas like inventory and project management.

blogs » Blog Archive » vtiger CRM 5.2.0 Released.

Often championed on the merits of features and functions such as integrated email, simplified record keeping, and powerful reporting, the fact is that as the CRM industry has matured, the need to compete has resulted in a need to differentiate on the basis of “features and functions”, sometimes leaving little room to translate those features and functions into general benefits and bottom line results for those who aren’t already well versed on how they translate. At the end of the day, CRM is about improving efficiency and results on every level in an organization. Here are three ways that happens in a sales organization: A higher ratio of qualified leads.

Commercial Open Source CRM. Pro - Solutions OBM - Relation Client. OBM-CRM est solution de gestion de relation client 100 % Web spécialisée dans la vente d’affaires et couvre les principaux domaines du CRM. Périmètre fonctionnel de OBM-CRM Gestion des forces de vente (gestion des comptes, des leads, des affaires et des contrats), Marketing, Vtiger CRM On Demand.