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Transaction strategies: Understanding transaction pitfalls. The most common reason for using transactions in an application is to maintain a high degree of data integrity and consistency.

Transaction strategies: Understanding transaction pitfalls

If you're unconcerned about the quality of your data, you needn't concern yourself with transactions. After all, transaction support in the Java platform can kill performance, introduce locking issues and database concurrency problems, and add complexity to your application. But developers who don't concern themselves with transactions do so at their own peril. The Infamous Worm Game. Component Suite. The ICEfaces Component Suite provides a completeset of enhanced standard and custom JavaServer Faces (JSF) components.

Component Suite

These components provide the following additional benefits over other JSF components: Optimized to fully leverage ICEfaces Direct-to-Dom rendering technology providing seamless incremental user-interface updates for all components without full-page refreshes (partial-page rendering).Support for additional attributes for ICEfaces-specific features such as effects, partialSubmit, renderedOnUserRole, etc.Support for comprehensive component styling via predefined component style sheets that are easily customized. Using the ICEfaces Component Suite complete JSF applications may be rapidly developed that fully leverage the rich application features that ICEfaces provides: