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Link Building Campaign Design: How To Scale Outreach Today. “Scaling link building” is a buzzword that died a slow but well-deserved death over the course of the last several years. Panda, Penguin and common sense were nails in the coffin for many wild link building schemes advertised as “cheap and scalable.” But, if you’re shrewd, there are still a few opportunities to scale remaining in today’s world of authentic, quality, natural link building. Link builders have to be very careful about what they choose to scale.

Scaling the wrong thing, or not scaling properly, leads to a quick disaster. It all starts with defining exactly who you will spend your time reaching out to. Spend Your Time On Communities Of Link Partners Anybody trying to “build links” gets desperate from time to time. Targeted link building efforts can resonate and grow in relevant online communities. I’m not a fan of that individual focus. Consider Authority Vs. Good link builders want the best and only the best links, right? Consider small consultants (in any industry). Google Panda et Penguin : récapitulatif de toutes les mises à jour. Chronologie et récapitulatif complet des différentes mises à jour Penguin et Panda de Google, qui auront marqué le SEO et ébranlé le Web ces dernières années.

Reflets de la lutte du moteur contre les sites de mauvaise qualité qui envahissent ses résultats, les mises à jour Google Panda et Google Penguin auront marqué le référencement en 2011 et 2012. Déployé pour la première fois outre-Atlantique fin février 2011, Google Panda a été initialement décrit comme une mise à jour visant à sanctionner les fermes de contenu. Si l'algorithme visait en effet les sites de mauvaise qualité, il s'est révélé bien plus complexe, d'autres acteurs ayant pu en souffrir, comme les comparateurs de prix notamment.

Un filtre et une liste de questions à se poser Une liste de questions officielle permet de savoir si un site peut se sentir ciblé par Google Panda, ou au moins de connaître les pratiques qu'aimerait sanctionner Google avec cet algorithme. Google Panda, et ses mises à jour. [Infographie] Etat des lieux des techniques du link building en 2013. Pilier du SEO, le link building est l’action qui consiste à mettre en place une série de liens en direction d’un site à référencer sur le web. Quelles sont les techniques de link building les plus utilisées et les plus efficaces en 2013 ? C’est à cette question que tente de répondre la société Skyrocket SEO, spécialiste britannique du link building, dans l’infographie ci-dessous. Quelques points clés à retenir: 7 Reasons to Remove "Link Building" from Our Vocabulary. The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

Double disclaimer: This really is my own opinion, and may not be the official position of either Moz or Distilled. "We’ve only built high-quality links. " I see variations on this theme often; sadly, I see it most commonly in laments composed by those affected by Google’s Penguin update. After years of consulting, dozens of penalty-related questions in Moz’s Q&A, and careful consideration, I am convinced that the idea of "building links" has been heartbreakingly detrimental to our industry and many site owners. I will argue that everyone — marketers and SEOs included — would be better off if we stopped talking about building links altogether. It may seem insane to many in the industry to speak of discarding "link building" as an action, goal, or job description. 1.

Our goal is almost always direct or indirect profitability. 2. 3. 4. 5. ... 6. 7. Emerging Trends in the World of Search Engine Optimization. Image credit: ShutterStock Things have been changing for quite some time in the SEO world. Hence, new trends have finally surfaced. Things that didn’t matter a few years ago are now of vital importance and companies are constantly making use of them to get more traffic. Here are a few such emerging trends in the SEO world: • Mobile Search According to a study conducted by Google, the queries from smartphones and tablets worldwide increased 80% year over year in 2012. . • Twitter Twitter is a social networking website like many others but its biggest advantage is its use for link building. . • Quality With its recent algorithm changes, Google has taken some major steps to ensure that the results provided to the users are of good quality. . • Google + Google+ might not be such a trending social networking site, but it is one of the most important “emerging trends” in SEO.

. • Conversion Rate Optimization The Final Say Noman Ali is SEO Manager at Apps Development Company Cygnis Media. 10 Excel Functions Every SEO Professional Should Know. Many website owners use Excel on a daily basis. They might keep a list of backlinks they want to track, or use it to track keyword rankings. True SEO professionals know how to use Excel to maximize the value of their SEO strategy, manipulating the data in ways that shed new insights into their campaign. This article will outline my favorite tricks for doing so. A couple years ago, Ann Smarty wrote an excellent piece on using Excel for SEO, but I figured it was time for a refresher based on the many changes the industry has gone through since then.

First, we’ll start with some of the basics and then move to more advanced topics. Some of these can be used together to form more powerful commands. SEARCH and FIND These simple functions allow you to find the location of text inside of a string of text. Syntax: =SEARCH(string_to_find, string_of_text, [start_num]) =FIND(string_to_find, string_of_text, [start_num]) =SEARCH(“dog”,A1) In this example, we’re searching for the keyword “dog” in a URL. Link Building Survey 2013 - The Results [INFOGRAPHIC] Many of us faced a challenging 2012 and 2013 has been no different. Rankings were won and lost, a lot of bad links were removed and quite frankly a lot of businesses and departments had to be re-designed. We all know it’s a pretty “interesting” time to be in the link-building and SEO space.

Since we are now over half way through 2013 we decided it was time to gain a better understanding of how this year is going for those in the industry. The purpose of the survey was to really capture the current market sentiment and better understand how industry peers are faring. We produced an infographic from the results (embedded in its full form at the end of this post) but I also wanted to write up an analysis here just for Moz readers simply because I feel there are quite a few interesting bits of data that are well worth discussing. Before we get into it, a quick disclaimer: This post is for information purposes only. Now that’s out of the way, let’s get started… Who took the survey?