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Manual de ética del Community Manager o Responsable de Comunidad | Aerco. Os dejamos este interesante post de Pedro Rojas @SeniorManager, en el que nos deja un manual de ética y nos invita a que entre todos pulamos los diferentes puntos que señala. También pretende servir de guía a todas las personas que ejercen la profesión de alguna u otra forma, de modo que puedan articular su gestión de forma responsable, coherente y respetuosa para con las organizaciones y/o personas con la que hayan establecido una relación contractual.

En este punto de la historia que nos ha tocado vivir a todos los que nos dedicamos a esto; se hace necesario establecer ciertos valores éticos que permitan dotar a esta nueva profesión, y a los profesionales que la ejercen, de un marco de responsabilidad y congruencia que ayuden a regular las acciones y actitudes propias de un Community Manager o Responsable de Comunidad. Manual de ética del Community Manager 4º – El cumplimiento de los objetivos establecidos y las metas acordadas entre las partes involucradas, serán la prioridad. Everything you ever wanted to know about Twitter | Charles Curle Design. Elluminate Session How-To : vRoom Help & Support : ActivRoom : Members : Promethean Planet.

Your Social Media Marketing Plan: 3 Steps to Success Business. There are more than 300 social media sites listed in the 2010 Social Media Directory. Inside those site are tens of thousands of groups. In those groups are hundreds of millions of people. Imagine all the shows and conferences that are hosted at the Toronto Convention Centre each year happening in just one weekend. That's more than 1000 events in one building at the same time. It would be confusing, crowded, and overwhelming, just like social media seems to be. Fortunately, social media is quite easy to navigate when you have a plan. Before we jump into the three steps, remember that you need to have goals for every marketing effort. Start with your blog. Don't have a blog?

Social Media Goal Setting for Small Business Small Business. Today we're looking at how much time you, as a small business owner, should be planning to devote to social media. We've already talked about where to start - the Golden Trio. But we haven't covered a lot of detail about how to start. For complete, step-by-step, illustrated instructions to set up profiles in Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, you can go to My Social Media Directory. This is book excerpt I mentioned in my first Technorati post.

Because I'm an author and copywriter, the amount of time I spend on social media each day is significant. Let's keep using the example of a hardware store. And this is the powerful part of social media that so many business owners miss out on. Yes, you can use the Internet and social media to contact people on the other side of the planet. You might also use it to find home-based business owners right in town. The only way to contact either one is to spend some time looking for them. So let's start from the beginning. Continued on the next page. Your Social Media Marketing Plan: 3 Steps to Success - Page 2 Business. When you have your profiles set up, join just two groups on Facebook and two on LinkedIn.

The best way to handle groups is to join, see what's going on, then decide if you want to participate. You're going to find some groups just don't work for you. For example, I joined a digital photography group that is more advanced than I am. I left the group, and will re-join when my photo skills improve. Other groups will work for you, but you might only participate once or twice a month. JoinExperienceDecide If you join a dozen groups all at once, you're going to be overwhelmed. While you're experimenting with groups on Facebook and LinkedIn, set up a profile on For now, understand that enables you to set up meetings and events with people in your local area. Wayne Cook, a friend in Toronto, has built up two groups for entrepreneurs. That's it. Set up your blogJoin the Golden TrioJoin That probably looks so simple you're thinking "Anybody can do that!
