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Seven Social Media Consultants That Deliver Tangible Value. Is social media nothing but snake oil? Sometimes it can seem that way. As economies shift and trends emerge, would-be experts start popping up like weeds. Really good social media experts are a treasure - and they're not always easy to find. In this post we highlight seven social media consultants that consistently bring tangible value to the table. These folks aren't full of hot air - they use their blogs to offer clear examples, links, tutorials and other resources you can put to use.

Unfortunately, most of these people have been so successful already that only a few of them are easy to hire for small consulting engagements. Note that ReadWriteWeb does not have a financial relationship with any of these individuals or the companies that some of them work for. All of the people below can help you or your organization learn how the mechanics and strategies of social media work.

Who are some of your favorite social media consultants? Chris Brogan Jeremiah Owyang Charlene Li Dawn Foster. Elluminate Live! Inicio_1: Recursos. Educación a distancia. La educación a distancia es una forma de enseñanza en la cual los estudiantes no requieren asistir físicamente al lugar de estudios. En este sistema de enseñanza, el alumno recibe el material de estudio (personalmente, por correo postal, correo electrónico u otras posibilidades que ofrece Internet).

Al aprendizaje desarrollado con las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación se le llama aprendizaje electrónico. La plataforma más utilizada actualmente para esta modalidad es Moodle. [cita requerida] Características La educación a distancia se caracteriza por la flexibilidad de sus horarios, pues el mismo estudiante organiza su tiempo de estudio, lo cual requiere cierto grado de autodisciplina. Entre los antecedentes de la educación a distancia están los cursos por correspondencia, que se iniciaron por la necesidad de impartir enseñanza a alumnos en lugares aislados, en los que no era posible construir un colegio. Ventajas y desventajas de la educación a distancia Ventajas Desventajas Argentina. David Delgado :: Blog :: Archives. eLearn: Opinions - e-Learning Optimism. Why E-Learning is So Effective. E-learning is hot. And for good reason. If done right, it can produce great results by decreasing costs and improving performance. Also, unlike a one time classroom session, the elearning course is available for others.

This includes the static elearning course as well as any ongoing conversations in networked communities. Recently, I had a conversation with someone new to elearning and it struck me that she didn’t fully understand the value of elearning. E-learning Supports the Organization’s Goals Improved training costs. E-learning Supports the Learner’s Development Real-time access. E-learning Nurtures a Learning Organization & Community Ongoing access to resources. Elearning is good for the environment. One of the challenges with making elearning effective is how you manage the courses and access to resources.

If you’re using a learning management system you might consider how that impacts the learning. Elearning is cost effective and can produce great results. Tidbits: E-learning. El b-learning es una modalidad que combina la educación a distancia y la educación presencial; retomando las ventajas de ambas modalidades y complementando el aprendizaje de los aprendices. También puede definirse como un sistema basado en la comunicación masiva y bidireccional que sustituye la interacción personal en el aula del profesor y alumno, como medio preferente de enseñanza, por la acción sistemática y conjunta de diversos recursos didácticos y el apoyo de una organización tutorial, que proporcionan el aprendizaje autónomo de los estudiantes, además de reforzar la habilidad de la comunicación efectiva con los participantes a través de las plataformas usadas.

Encontrar una definición para el modelo educativo e-learning no ha sido nada sencillo. Ventajas del aprendizaje a distancia[editar] Como es bien sabido desde tiempos inmemorables ha sido necesario trasladarse desde el punto donde nos encontramos hasta el punto donde se nos dará la enseñanza que nos formará. Enseñanza[editar] :::e Learning - América Latina::: June 2007 -- Pedagogical affordances of syndication, aggregation, and mash-up of content on the Web.

On the Internet Pedagogical Affordances of Syndication, Aggregation, and Mash-up of Content on the Web Barbara Dieu Lycée Pasteur, São Paulo, Brazil Vance Stevens Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE "Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinion in good men is but knowledge in the making. " - from the Project Gutenberg EBook of Areopagitica, by John Milon < 1. As Internet and online learning become more and more incorporated into our courses, syllabi, and teaching materials, it becomes increasingly important that the impact the Web is having on changing perceptions of literacy carries over to the way we practice teaching and learning. Live link to Source: Michael Wesch, "WEB 2.0: The Machine Is Us/ing us. " 2. As Kern and Warschauer (2000) characterize it: "network-based language teaching does not represent a particular technique, method or approach. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 4.

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