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Video-sharing goes to work. It was a mere three years ago that YouTube streamed its first video, forever changing the way we share experiences with people regardless of time and distance.

Video-sharing goes to work

At home, equipped with ubiquitous technology like a digital camcorder, a computer webcam or even a mobile phone, we can easily create video clips and share them with our friends and family. Technology is no longer a barrier on either end. All you need is a browser and a fast Internet connection. The same has not been true for this rich form of information-sharing in the office. Companies readily recognize the power of video as a medium for communication and collaboration, for reaching out to employees in remote offices and for knowledge transfer. Socialwok: Share securely ideas, files and Google Apps in your enterprise microblogging network. Facebook Apps for Education - Interactyx.

Facebook has been making many inroads into education over the last few years.

Facebook Apps for Education - Interactyx

Many institutions are using Facebook sites to publicize events on campus, as well as to aid in their recruiting. As well, many students, instructors and administrators are using a number of Facebook applications for a wide variety of academic purposes. Recently we’ve been examining a number of Facebook apps that are relevant for educational use. App Engine. What is Google App Engine?

App Engine

Google App Engine is Google's application development and hosting platform. Google App Engine lets you build high-traffic web applications without having to manage high-traffic infrastructure. Your applications built on Google App Engine use the same technology that powers Google's websites for speed and reliability.