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Metal. Spotify käyttöön ilman kutsua. Johdanto Spotify on beta-asteella oleva musiikkipalvelu, jonka kautta pääsee kuuntelemaan erittäin laajaa musiikkivalikoimaa - vieläpä täysin laillisesti. Palvelusta on olemassa maksullinen premium-versio ja ilmainen mainosrahoitteinen versio. Betavaiheessa olevan Spotifyn ilmaisversion käyttöönotto vaatii kutsun (engl. invite), jonka voi saada joko premium-tilin ostaneelta käyttäjältä tai joltain kutsuja jakelevista sivustoista. Tällä hetkellä helpoin ja varmin tapa saada kutsu on Statoilin kampanjakutsu, johon perehdytään ensimmäisenä. Mikäli haluat tietää lisää Spotifyn toiminnasta ja taustoista, lue Spotifyn koekuuntelusta kertova artikkelimme. Spotify käyttöön Statoilin kampanjakutsulla HUOM! Etsimme uusia tapoja saada Spotify käyttöön. 1. Sivusto on norjankielinen, mutta ei syytä huoleen. 2. 3. 4.

Syötettävät merkit ovat vasemmassa reunassa ja ne tulee syöttää kenttään, jossa lukee "<-- Tast in koden här". 5. 6. Ja se on siinä! Sivustoja, joilta voi saada kutsun. Loudcrowd. Bibliotekernes netmusik. Musiikin lataaminen internetistä repii Ruotsia - - Ulkomaat. Tukholma. Ruotsissa on leimahtanut kiivas väittely siitä, pitäisikö erilaisten tiedostojen lataaminen internetistä olla vapaata vai tulisiko se luokitella rikolliseksi toiminnaksi. Keskusteluun ovat löylyä heittäneet myös Ruotsin akatemia ja tekijänoikeuksiaan vaalivat luovat taiteilijat. Expressen ja Svenska Dagbladet -lehdissä käydyn kiistelyn käynnisti artikkeli, jossa seitsemän kokoomuslaista kansanedustajaa julisti, että tiedostojen kuten musiikin ja elokuvien vapaan lataamisen internetistä pitäisi olla jokamiehen oikeus.

Kansanedustajien mielestä tiedostojen lataamisen vapauttaminen olisi ainoa ja oikea ratkaisu, jolla markkinatkin pakotettaisiin sopeutumaan tilanteeseen. Ryhmä muistutti mieliin myös 1970-luvun, jolloin ihmisiltä yritettiin kieltää tv-ohjelmien nauhoittaminen kotivideoille tekijänoikeuksiin vedoten. Kohta perään iso joukko kirjailijoita, elokuvaohjaajia ja muusikkoja oli samalla asialla. Helsingin Sanomat | How Web Media is Usurping Old Media - Music, Video, More - ReadWriteWeb. Ian Rogers, VP Video and Media Applications at Yahoo! (prior to that GM of Yahoo! Music) has just published an epic post based on a talk he gave at a music industry conference in December. In it he outlines his vision for an open Media Web. It's very long, but is an excellent overview of how current Web music and video trends are slowly usurping the 'old media' world of the record companies and TV networks.

His central theme is that "there is more opportunity in leveraging the scale of the Web than trying to create scarcity. " He says that we can "do this together by creating a loosely-coupled value chain including users as value creators. " This is the Media Web and it's already happening amongst young people. This paragraph sums up how value is being created on the Web today in media, mostly by teens: "Today users are creating tremendous value and for the most part we’re ignoring it. chart Rogers does take a crack at a couple of competitors of Yahoo. Magazine - idiomag | your music magazine. Dizzler. Digital music: 2007 year in review. Ditching DRM, new mobile offerings, pay-what-you-want and other alternative business models — one word to sum up activity in the digital music space in 2007: “experimentation”. In this post we look back at 2007 through the lens of last100’s coverage, highlighting some of the important stories and trends, and how they point to what we might expect for digital music in 2008. Also see: Internet TV: 2007 year in review Ditching DRM It all started back in February when Apple CEO Steve Jobs published his now famous open letter titled ‘Thoughts on Music‘.

In it he explained the major labels’ thinking behind their support for Digital Rights Management (DRM), and that it hadn’t worked to stop piracy. In an impassioned plea to the major labels, Jobs wrote: Imagine a world where every online store sells DRM-free music encoded in open licensable formats. Many questioned Jobs’ motives for the letter, noting that the iPod/iTunes hegemony had been in part built on the major labels’ insistence on DRM. Excuse Me While I Share My Copy of 1984 at franticindustries - web 2.0, social networking, IT technology trends. Technology | &#039;Digital locks&#039; future questioned. One of the world's largest hard disk manufacturers has blocked its customers from sharing online their media files that are stored on networked drives.

Western Digital says the decision to block sharing of music and audio files is an anti-piracy effort. The ban operates regardless of whether the files are copy-protected, or a user's own home-produced content. Digital activists say it is the latest step in a so-called war on copyright theft that is damaging consumer rights. The shift to a digital world in which all forms of content, from books, music, and TV programmes to films, can be shared effortlessly around the world between people with an internet connection has produced an unprecedented upheaval in attitudes to media, copyright and consumer rights. Professional content producers have struggled to adapt to this changing world and deal with rampant copyright infringement that threatens to undermine their businesses.

"If we go down the subscription route, there must be control. " Show Me How To Play. MusicMobs Shuts Down, Founder Joins « GigaOM. Hype Machine. iLike. Social Music Overview. Keeping with the theme of Mike’s Online Photo Editing Overview, I wanted to cover some of the entrants into social music. Music was probably the first type of rich media to really go “Web 2.0″ and it’s become a pretty popular place for startups. As a result, there are some great Rich Internet Applications built around social music. Anyone who makes music a part of their daily lives has no shortage of options when it comes to finding new music and sharing with friends.

FineTune Finetune is a relatively new application written in Flash. It’s my favorite out of the bunch and I covered it on my ZDNet blog. Pandora Pandora is the granddaddy of the bunch and it’s one of the Web 2.0 applications that Mike can’t live without. Last.Fm is another Web 2.0 veteran and is more socially-slanted than the others. MOG is all about a music community. RadioBlogClub is another music service that builds playlists based on an artist or song you specify. MyStrands iLike iJigg. ELECTRO ALTERNATIVE INDIE EBM INDUSTRIAL charts.

Qnext. – The Social Music Revolution.