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Finding Journal Articles. Practical Pedagogy for Library Instructors: 17 Innovative Strategies to Improve Student Learning - Books / Professional Development - Books for Academic Librarians. Blog » It’s Not About the Tools. It’s About the Skills. Many times, I see eyes glazing over, when I excitedly speak with parents or administrators about blogging, skyping or podcasting with students. Many of them, unfamiliar with the tools, will immediately feel uncomfortable. Some will automatically and immediately steer the conversation back to what they know: What about learning the basics, like reading, writing, math and science? I usually try to explain and emphasize, that these skills are precisely what are being taught.

We are not podcasting in order to teach Audacity nor Garageband. We are not recording students for the fun of using microphone, we are not blogging, so we can practice typing, we are not skyping for the purpose of using a webcam. Parents and administrators, unfamiliar with the tools, also seem worried that “important” academic time is being lost and wasted! In an attempt to explain that there is so much more involved when using technology tools, I blogged a few months ago, We Podcasted Today So, did you learn anything? Podcasting in Academic and Corporate Learning - 2005. Pedagogy in Action. The University of Texas Libraries - Services - Instruction Services. The seven secrets behind great teaching - Features - TES Connect. Teaching skills: ways to help improve teacher’s effectiveness Comment:3.5 average rating | Comments (46)Last Updated:7 March, 2014Section:Features What makes the good stand out from the rest?

Stephen Covey’s business self-help book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, has sold more than 15 million copies. The book lists seven principles that, if adopted as habits, can help people become truly effective at what they do. But what makes teachers highly effective? The TES magazine teamed up with business psychologists Crelos to analyse the personalities, motivations and behaviour of 15 award-winning teachers to uncover the seven habits that make them successful in the classroom.

How the research worked We chose our research group to represent a cross-section of the teaching population - from teaching assistants, primary and secondary teachers to heads, who were assessed through a series of tests and interviews. 1. 2. 3. This behaviour is collectively the most prominent among teachers.