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Email Newsletter Design: Guidelines And Examples. Advertisement The email newsletter is a powerful marketing and communication tool that has various useful functions.

Email Newsletter Design: Guidelines And Examples

It reminds your users about you; it informs users about your products; it tells them what you have been up to; and it helps you build a unique relationship with them. Users like email newsletters if the newsletters bring them value. The fundamental rule for creating an email newsletter is to give it interesting, relevant and up-to-date information that is enjoyable to read. Users sign up for newsletters hoping be informed about things that they would not otherwise be able to find out about.

Please notice: in this post we features both good and bad examples of newsletter design, so you can get a better understanding of the problems to avoid and good design decisions to make. You may be interested in the following related posts: Design and Build Email Newsletters Without Losing Your Mind (and Soul) Signing Up For A Newsletter Tell Users What They Will Get Jamie Oliver reward page. Do’s and don’ts for designing email newsletters. If you run an online business, drawing customers to your website is vital for your continued success.

Do’s and don’ts for designing email newsletters

While lots of effort tends to be spent on SEO and gaining new visitors, ensuring they return is another matter. Email newsletters are the perfect opportunity to inform your past visitors of reasons to return. Even if you don’t use email newsletters for your own business, you’ll likely run into a client who wants to use them sooner or later. Email is one of the oldest forms of online communication, and one that hasn’t evolved much since it’s inception due to it’s use on a wide variety of devices and a lack of solid formatting standards.

Therefore, it’s safe to assume that at least one of your subscribers is going to be viewing your email on a 20-year-old computer running an obsolete operating system and you should take that into account. Do use tables Before the days of CSS, tables were the way to place web elements where you wanted them. Example Don’t rely on background images Malibu by Aweber. A Guide to Creating Email Newsletters. Email newsletters are hotter than ever.

A Guide to Creating Email Newsletters

They’re a great extension to your business’ communication toolkit and offer you and your clients an excellent channel by which you can reach potential and existing customers. In this article, we’ll explore common design patterns of email newsletters and learn which approaches work well, so that you’ll be prepared to create one for yourself and your clients. We’ve also included a compilation and analysis of different newsletter designs so that you can learn from them as well as tips on what to do and what not to do. If you know of any other tips, please share them with us in the comments area. Which Came First: Chicken or Egg? Before you create and send your email newsletter, you’ll need subscribers.

Not Too Many Fields You don’t need a user’s social security number to send them an email! Seth Godin, in his article Permission Marketing, offers good insight into getting viewers to sign up and follow you: In other words, the viewer wants to listen to you.