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20 Examples of Long Form Content with Great UX Design. Here’s a fun fact: Over the last 10 years, our attention spans have decreased from 12 minutes to 5 minutes. Our ability (and our desire) to read lots of content is clearly impacted. So how do we rock some long form content and make it successful? Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Long form content combined with excellent UX design can transform seemingly otherwise boring long form content. In a previous post, we looked at editorial sites that prioritized UX. Pitchfork Pitchfork, the self-proclaimed guide to independent music and beyond, has given us a few long form editorial pages with great UX design. 1. Black & white, varying shades of color, and fire, oh my! 2. Again, Pitchfork has made long form content completely interactive. 3. Featuring content centered around recording artist Natasha Khan, this page really does glitter in the dark in classic black & grey hues. 4.

New York Times 5. 6. 7. 8. Washington Post 9. 10. 11. NPR’s site is just the facts with few embellishments. 12. 13.