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21 Excellent Detailed Wordpress Theme Development Tutorials. Awesome WordPress hacks to make your blogger life easier - Hardcode to make WordPress faster Hardcoding is generally not a good practice, however in the case of an established website, hardcoding your blog url, site url, template path and stylesheet path will make your blog run faster. When a function such as bloginfo('url') is called, WordPress executes a query to your database to get the value, except if the value can be found on your wp-config.php file. To hardcode those constants, edit wp-config.php and paste the following (Don’t forget to change the values!) : define('WP_HOME', ' // blog url define('WP_SITEURL', ' // site url define('TEMPLATEPATH', '/absolute/path/to/wp-content/themes/cwc5'); define('STYLESHEETPATH', '/absolute/path/to/wp-content/themes/cwc5'); Source: Set HTML editor as the default I know a lot of tech-savvy persons who don’t really like WordPress “visual” editor.

<? Grey: A New Free HTML5/CSS3 WordPress Theme. Nik and I have been busy working on our first WordPress theme exclusively for webexpedition18 readers. Grey theme was built to have an elegant, out of the box, design with a strong core layout structure. Grey is generic enough to be used for almost any kind of blog. Whether you’re looking to setup your own design blog, a blog about photography, fashion or whatever your passion, the Grey theme should suit your needs.

It is built on a simple layout, but with lots of little touches of subtle detail and texture. HTML5 / CSS3 ThemeCSS3 features: border-radius, multiple backgrounds, text-shadow, box-shadowCompatible with 3.0+ WordPress versionsGrey Options PanelBuilt-in Twitter and Flickr streamSupports threaded commentsWidgets readyAuthor BoxEnhanced with jQuerySEO orientedTested in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE8+Free Now let’s take a closer look at this awesome WordPress theme. Layout is created using new HTML5 tags. Headernavsectionarticlefooteretc. Sidebar supports widgets. How to Build a Custom Wordpress Theme from Scratch. If you’re confident with your CSS and HTML, it’s not hard at all to step up to the challenge of building a custom WordPress theme. This overview shows the process of how my latest custom WordPress theme was built from design concept through to completed theme. See how the static design is split up into the various WordPress theme files, and discover how the simple PHP snippets can add that dynamic functionality of a blog.

The theme I'm working on is named Sticky. The main feature of the design is its sticky sidebar (hence the name Sticky!) , which stays in place while the main content scrolls past it. There's also a few fancy effects such as the shadows and inset text appearance that I'll be building with the help of CSS3. Before getting stuck into the build process, it's important to know how WordPress themes work. Each of these files then contains a series of PHP template tags. Configuring the stylesheet All the details of a WordPress theme are contained within the stylesheet. Mind Blowing WordPress Plugins. In Dallas, August 29, 2010, at OpenCamp I presented “Mind Blowing WordPress Plugins.”

Here are the WordPress Plugins and more features during my presentation. Let me first define what my qualifications for a “mind blowing WordPress Plugin” were, as I had to sift through thousands of Plugins and then filter down to include the following in my 50 minute presentation. To me, a mind blowing WordPress Plugin is one that breaks the rules. It is unique and original in its implementation, and pushes WordPress. It might not be a Plugin that everyone must have on their site. I’d love to know if you’ve found a WordPress Plugin that really and truly blows your mind, pushing the capability of WordPress beyond “just a blog” or simple website. WordPress Plugins As of the day I gave my presentation, there were 11,040 WordPress Plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory.

In fact, our blogs are built on WordPress Plugins. The cumulative list included: Development of WordPress is a crowd sourced project. Getting Started with WordPress ? WordPress Codex. Pages. Languages: English • Español • Français • Italiano • 日本語 • 한국어 • ລາວ • myanmar • Nederlands • Português do Brasil • Русский • Slovenčina • ไทย • 中文(繁體) • (Add your language) In WordPress, you can put content on your site as either a "post" or a "page". When you're writing a regular blog entry, you write a post. Posts, in a default setup, appear in reverse chronological order on your blog's home page. In contrast, pages are for non-hierarchical content: pages like "About" or "Contact" would be common examples.

Pages live outside of the normal blog chronology, and are often used to present timeless information about yourself or your site -- information that is always relevant. You can use Pages to organize and manage the structure of your website content. In addition to the common "About" and "Contact" pages, other examples include "Copyright", "Disclosure", "Legal Information", "Reprint Permissions", "Company Information" or "Accessibility Statement".

What Pages Are What Pages Are Not. Getting set up with the WP e-Commerce plugin: settings and configuration. Hi Adam, please can you advise if you were using the Gold Cart in your video presentation? We are currently building a shop in our new website and so far have only downloaded the free e-commerce plugin. I know nothing about php etc so I have struggled a little and finding your video was a great help, as I seem to have done most things corrently, albiet by trail and error. Two major items I need help with – I have set up a couple more Form Sets for the checkout as we need to get additional information from our members. There does not appear to be any way to select a unique name apart from what is displayed on the drop down list.

I would like to be able to see these additional check out fields on the purchaser email, but currently they are not and I could not find how to get the tags you mention in the email settings on the Admin page. The new website we are currently working in, which is not yet live is. WP FlexiShop - A Versatile WP E-Commerce Theme.