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Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby. Agile Ruby on Rails Development & Consulting. Mapping Companies and Developers Working with Ruby and Ruby on Rails. How to Find a Good Ruby on Rails Developer. Before I get into the details of finding your next rails developer, I thought a bit of background would be worth sharing.

How to Find a Good Ruby on Rails Developer

One of the earliest tactical mistakes I made as I developed my web platform at BiggerPockets was to convert the application from PHP to Ruby on Rails. I was fairly skilled in PHP, and what I didn’t know, I could at least hack . . . with Rails, I’m just completely out of touch. While I’ve been very happy with Rails overall, this all presents one major problem: I can’t review code from developers to determine the quality of their work. This applies both to code written for our site and to code that a potential developer submits to me in reviewing their candidacy to work for me. In working with dozens of independent contractor developers over the past 5 years, I’ve had the full gamut of talent: from absolute crap to amazing — astonishingly, many of the crap coders have had fantastic references.

So what can someone like me do? Where to find Rails Developers: The List. Premiers pas avec Ruby. Voyons comment installer Ruby sous Windows.

Premiers pas avec Ruby

Rien de très compliqué, il vous suffit de vous rendre sur la page de Ruby, puis de cliquer sur "Téléchargements", et de télécharger le One-Click Installer pour Windows. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à choisir votre répertoire d'installation, et à valider en attendant la fin de la procédure d'installation. Ruby est livré par défaut avec deux éditeurs : SciTe et FreeRIDE. Pour lancer FreeRIDE (intégralement écrit en Ruby), rendez-vous dans le répertoire d'installation de Ruby, puis dans le répertoire "freeride", et exécutez "run.bat".

Je préfère SciTe, mais cela ne dépend que de considérations personnelles. En Ruby, tout est objet. Commerce: Rails Ecommerce done right. If you haven't seen the e-commerce in 15 minutes video CLICK HERE Install rvm with ruby 1.9.2 or if you have 1.9.2 on your system your good to go git clone Configure your database.yml file (add the development and test database) Go into config/config.yml and change the encryption_key. aes ='AES-256-CBC') set_encryption_key_to = aes.random_iv gem install bundler bundle install rake db:create:all rake db:migrate rake db:seed rake db:test:prepare You Need to create config/settings.yml and change the encryption key and paypal or information.

commerce: Rails Ecommerce done right.

Paperclip will throw errors if not configured correctly. if you are on a Ubuntu machine, change this line in environment.rb: Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/local/bin" into: Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/usr/bin" Once everything is setup, start up the server with 'rails server' and direct your browser to localhost:3000/admin/overviews.