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PowerPoint Templates, Transitions & Animations. Hack Your Maps. Web maps have come a long way. Improved data, cleaner design, better performance, and more intuitive controls have made web maps a ubiquitous and critical component of many apps. They’ve also become one of the mobile space’s most successful transplants as more and more apps are powered by location-aware devices. The core web map UI paradigm itself—a continuous, pannable, zoomable surface—has even spread beyond mapping to interfaces everywhere. Article Continues Below Despite all this, we’ve barely begun to work web maps into our design practice. Have you ever taken apart a map?

This article is a long overdue companion to Paul’s piece. Opinionated about open#section1 Paul makes a strong case for why you might want to use open mapping tools instead of the established incumbent. There is nothing mysterious about web maps. In short, we’ll be working with a fully open mapping stack. Starting out#section2 I’m a big fan of Sherlock Holmes. A tale of places#section3 Maps are data#section4.

The Code Player. Magnifying glass for image zoom using Jquery and CSS3. View codePlay Walkthrough Description Learn to make a realistic magnifying glass using Jquery and CSS3. Hover above the image to see the action. The code uses CSS3 box-shadow and border-radius properties to create the magnifying glass. Jquery is used to position it at the cursor coordinates and change the background position accordingly. Moving the cursor away from the image gently fades out the magnifying glass bringing the image back to the default state.

Modernizr. How to lose weight (in the browser)