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Primary Pad · Superfunky Collaborative Writing For Schools. How to set up a classroom blog: 10 Essential Steps. Running a blog with your students is about as far from a traditional teaching method as you can get, and chances are nobody taught you how to do it. That’s why teachers who blog with students are usually those nonconformists types, radicals, free spirits, taking paths less traveled…well, not so much anymore. It’s actually become quite popular, but it certainly hasn’t hit mainstream levels, partly because it’s not as simple as using a chalkboard and textbook.

The Power of Project-Based Writing in the Classroom. As some of my readers may know, I had an awakening of sorts this past summer: Instead, I decided, that everything I did this school year would have some connection to the world outside of school. The plan: to immerse my lessons and my classroom assessments in authenticity. And test scores be damned. The Lost Art of Letter Writing.