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DIY Strength Training Gear. Clubbells. As you know by now, inefficient equipment can lead to great workouts.


It’s why we prefer free weights to machines, and it’s why kettlebells , slosh tubes , and sandbags have gotten so much attention from us recently. The more work the equipment does for you, whether it’s a bench press machine keeping your press perfectly aligned or even a symmetrical dumbbell with perfect balance, the less work you’re actually performing. And a workout’s effectiveness depends exactly on that: the amount of work performed. Using symmetrical free weights like a barbell or a dumbbell is great and allows you to focus purely on moving tons of weight (a form of work); using machines that guide and assist you is actually counterproductive (don’t be a slacker) and ineffective.

Enter the clubbell. You can buy a clubbell – they’re becoming quite the popular workout tool – along with accompanying workout DVDs from a number of places online, but it’s infinitely more satisfying (and far cheaper) to make your own. The Sandbag Workout. Welcome!

The Sandbag Workout

If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels or just generally look and feel healthier you've come to the right place. Here's where to start: Visit the Start Here and Primal Blueprint 101 pages to learn more about the Primal lifestyle. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter to receive an eBook called Primal Blueprint Fitness and more - all for free. Cut to the chase by visiting Thanks for visiting! Sandbags have traditionally been much-maligned in the strength and fitness communities for their instability, unbalanced weight distribution, odd shape, and general impracticality.

Make Your Own Sandbag There are two ways to go about doing this. Run-of-the-Mill Sandbags Most hardware shops sell empty sandbags. Build Your Own Slosh Tube. Welcome!

Build Your Own Slosh Tube

If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase energy levels or just generally look and feel healthier you've come to the right place. Here's where to start: Visit the Start Here and Primal Blueprint 101 pages to learn more about the Primal lifestyle. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter to receive an eBook called Primal Blueprint Fitness and more - all for free. Cut to the chase by visiting Thanks for visiting! But not with alcohol (save that for after the workout). A slosh tube is a large PVC pipe filled with water and capped on the ends. How to Do It Go to your local hardware store and buy a PVC pipe. Building the thing is the easy part.

Note how easy the woman carries the tube upright when gravity’s keeping the water resting at the bottom. To look at the slosh tube from a Primal perspective, imagine you’ve just slain a huge anaconda. Try just pressing it overhead and holding it. Or, try a Zercher walk: It sounds simple enough. Prizepony Flickr Photo (CC) TRX Training System : fabrication artisanale. Découvrez étape par étape comment vous construire un TRX (Total Resistance eXercice) Training System, permettant de vous entraîner quand vous n'avez pas de barre et haltères.

TRX Training System : fabrication artisanale

Le TRX (Total Resistance eXercice) Training System est un accessoire à base de sangles permettant de s’entraîner à domicile, d’une façon différente de l’entraînement avec barre et haltères. Il est distribué aux Etas-Unis par Fitness Anywhere et en France par Planet Fitness. Le prix est élevé (149 €), pour un outil qui sera utilisé (dans notre cas) en complément d’une musculation “classique”. Max vous propose de vous fabriquer le votre, si vous suivez pas à pas cet article, voici à quoi vous devrez arriver : How to Make and Use a Bulgarian Training Bag.

Steve Nave Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Joe Hashey, CSCS.

How to Make and Use a Bulgarian Training Bag

Are you sick of waiting for machines at your local commercial gym? Perhaps you just want to spend more time at home and are looking for a workout solution. Whatever your reason might be, making your own version of a Bulgarian Training Bag is an effective and practical solution. What Is a Bulgarian Training Bag? The original creation of the Bulgarian bag is credited to Ivan Ivanov, a former Greco-Roman wrestler from Bulgaria that was hired as a US Olympic wrestling coach.

The bag was soon adopted by fitness professionals as a versatile tool for muscular endurance and general fitness. Depending on your exercise selection, the Bulgarian Training Bag can be used to target the legs, shoulders, core, upper back, triceps, biceps, and forearms. Even though it was originally developed for wrestlers, the Bulgarian training bag is an excellent fitness tool for everyone.