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Mockupy. #OccupyWallStreet / ARTISTS.

#OccupyWallStreet / PHOTOS

Infographic: Who Is Occupy Wall Street? The leaderless, anarchic, revolutionary revolution, Occupy Wall Street, continues to evolve.

Infographic: Who Is Occupy Wall Street?

Offshoot Occupy Oakland, for example, is expected to get support from organized labor and established advocacy groups for a massive planned demonstration Wednesday. And now a new study, shared exclusively with Fast Company, offers insight into participants. They span age and income groups, are largely apolitical, and are mostly white. They are also getting more active. (See full-size infographic below) Dataist: Occupy Wall Street visualized. Occupy protests around the world: full list visualised. "951 cities in 82 countries" has become the standard definition of the scale of the Occupy protests around the world this weekend, following on from the Occupy Wall Street and Madrid demonstrations that have shaped public debate in the past month.

Occupy protests around the world: full list visualised

We wanted to list exactly where protests have taken place as part of the Occupy movement - and see exactly what is happening where around the globe. With your help, adding events in our form below, we've been able to show 750 Occupy events world wide. As we wrote this week: Protests inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York and the "Indignants" in Spain have spread to cities around the world. Tens of thousands went on the march in New York, London, Frankfurt, Madrid, Rome, Sydney and Hong Kong as organisers aimed to "initiate global change" against capitalism and austerity measures.

#OccupyWallStreet / VIDEOS

PROPAGANDA ou prosélytisme #OccupyWallStreet.