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Galerie de spencer cavanaugh. Pictures: Occupy Baltimore at McKeldin Square. Le pool OpenMediaBoston #OccupyBoston. 2795949.jpg (Image JPEG, 645x320 pixels) Occupy Wall Street – A Collection. Photo by jamie nyc.

Occupy Wall Street – A Collection

Photo by david_shankbone. By Banksy. Photo by duncan. On Facebook. Photo by Tim Schreier. Photo by stanleyrogouski. Photo by jamie nyc. Photo by sunsetparker. Photo by magneticart. Photo by magneticart. Photo by R. Photo by ljensenconsumer. Photo by ljensenconsumer. Photo by thelushside. Photo by Elene De’ Mymm. Photo by jamie nyc.

Photo by waywuwei. Photo by edenpictures. Photo by sunsetparker. Photo by erika eve. Photo by stanleyrogouski. Photo by sam mullins. Photo by hunter.gatherer. 2011.10.06 - Images from Occupy Portland. 17 / 10 / 2011 The Underappreciated Hunks of Occupy Wall Street. Carl Court/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images No one ever said the revolution would be sexy.

17 / 10 / 2011 The Underappreciated Hunks of Occupy Wall Street

In fact, media coverage of Occupy Wall Street suggested quite the opposite, tending to emphasize the unkempt woolliness and generally unsanitary nature of the movement. So, Steven Greenstreet’s, um, documentary coverage of the protests, Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street, came as something of a surprise to those of us in the 99% (and maybe the 1% if they are paying attention). Emma Goldman might not have made the grade. What followed? To see the full article, subscribe here. Nadav Neuhaus for The New York Times Eduardo Munoz/Reuters J Pat Carter/Associated Press. Blog. Grand Theft Auto: Zuccotti Park?


Really? An Occupy Comics update? Epic Roster Additions More added incl. V’s Alan Moore & David Lloyd! Lucky 13: New Artists & Writers join up Spread the word, we’re LIVE on Kickstarter The Blueprint. The Occupy Wall Street movement spreads. Wsp-bandb. Photo Gallery: Occupy Wall Street Ignites Political Hackathon. Critics dismiss #OccupyWallStreet as a bunch of dirty, whining hippies and trustafarians.

Photo Gallery: Occupy Wall Street Ignites Political Hackathon

But many of the protesters at Zuccotti Plaza are actually hacker-minded geeks bringing an engineering mentality to bear on politics and several high and low-tech problems.The #OWS encampment runs on generators that power a media center packed with laptops, Wi-Fi and video equipment. Live updates and operational messages propagate over Twitter as well as over closed alternative networks resistant to sniffing by unwanted observers. Digital donations are funneled through Kickstarter, and material donations arriving from around the country supply a kitchen and a medical station -- which treats minor protest hazards such as pepper spray and cuts.The DIY nature of the movement evokes the spirit of the Maker Faire and Hackathon events, with participants contributing their skills and creativity to support a larger, loosely defined movement or goal.

SIX WEEKS LATER - Pictures. Robert Johnson It has been about 6 weeks since protesters made camp in Lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park.


What was once a small band of young people has turned into a world wide demonstration — that is obvious. But what is less clear is that the character of the movement has changed as well. That is what we realized when we spent some quality time at the camp this week to check in and see how things have progressed. Some of the changes we observed are for the better. It is those people who are making the real change at Zuccotti Park. It isn't that the park is completely unfriendly, it's just that there is an edge to it now. All of that is because the protesters can't control who comes to live in their community, and the police refuse to intervene. We at Business Insider have one recommendation for you, Occupy Wall Street.

We thought your mission was to police all of Wall Street, not just one tiny park on it. The Occupy Wall Street movement spreads. The Occupy Wall Street movement spreads. 20111022_CNA400_0.jpg (Image JPEG, 400x526 pixels) Sesame-street-wall-occupy-clef-300x200.jpg (Image JPEG, 300x200 pixels)