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Windsurf - Mistral Promo 1985. 1996 Indoor pwa Windsurfing. PBA Windsurfing World Tour - Aloha Classic 1993. The day Apple decided to sell windsurfing boards and sails. 08 August 2014 | Windsurfing In 1985, an internal battle nearly killed Apple Computer, Inc.

The day Apple decided to sell windsurfing boards and sails

Steve Jobs and John Sculley fought for the leadership role, and Jobs was forced to leave the high tech company. That was when the management team at Apple decided to innovate. The Apple Collection - an odd catalogue of t-shirts, watches, boardshorts, umbrellas, sunglasses, pins, and backpacks - wanted to sell more than just computers. Despite good intentions, it failed. But The Apple Collection also sold windsurfing equipment. It basically featured a F2 America 360 11' 10'' sailboard, "constructed of ultralight EPS wrapped with impact-resistant ASA", and especially designed for windsurfers over 145 pounds. The giant Apple logo added a trendy-factor to the avid summer windsurfers wanting to impress friends and co-workers. Do you enjoy unusual windsurfing logos in sails? Coupe du monde de funboard, La Torche, 1986.

Windsurfing World Cup, La Torche, wave 1986. Windsurfing World Cup, La Torche, slalom 1986. "Fast Forward" - The Speed Sequence. VHSwindsurf's channel. Windsurf 1980s Blowing Out Robby Naish Karl Messmer - Pan Am Cup and North Shore. Windsurf - WSMA World Cup 1984 - Part 1 of 5. Windsurf - WSMA World Cup 1984 - Part 2 of 5. Windsurf - WSMA World Cup 1984 - Part 3 of 5. Windsurf - WSMA World Cup 1984 - Part 4 of 5. Windsurf - WSMA World Cup 1984 - Part 5 of 5. Robby Naish and Peter Cabrinha. Robby Naish Windsurfing - Full Movie.

Windsurf - 1980s - Riding the Wind with Fraser Black. Robby Naish Extreme Velocity. ‪Brutal Beach Fun Cup 1988 - Part II : les vagues‬‏ ‪Almanarre Windsurf World Cup 1989‬‏ Vidéo Robby Naish: années 80! TOUT SUR LES CHAMPIONNATS OPEN DEPUIS 1979. Je vous propose de retrouver sur cette page les articles qui relatent les Championnats de France, d'Europe et du Monde, en Division 2, sur la période 1979-1992, y compris les Jeux Olympiques de 1988 et 1992, sur le support Lechner.


Cette page est encore en construction : on avancera progressivement jusque 1992! Patience! Les Championnats d'Europe 1979 (Article Planche à Voile Magazine) : Les premiers Championnats du Monde 1979, en Guadeloupe ! (Article Planche à Voile Magazine) Et nous voilà en 1980!!! Le championnat de France 1980 : (Planche à Voile magazine) Le championnat d'Europe 1980 : (Planche à voile magazine) Le championnat du Monde 1980 : (Article revue Yachting à Voile n°65 janvier 1981) Et un autre article sur ces Championnats du Monde (Planche à voile Magazine n°5 (Janv-mars 1981) : Et un dernier article (Voiles et Voiliers décembre 1980) sur ces championnats 1980 : Le Championnat de France 1981 (Planche à Voile magazine n°9 oct-déc 1981) : Le championnat d'Europe 1981.

‪Extreme Vintage Windsurfing‬‏ ‪Laird Hamilton and Buzzy Kerbox Windsurfing with the MMC‬‏ ‪Windsurf - Back to the ´80s Topless‬‏ Surfing, vidéo Surfing, vidéo Sport Autres sports - Archives vidéos Sport Autres sports. A Biarritz, le "surfing" prend pied en Europe , vidéo A Biarritz, le "surfing" prend pied en Europe , vidéo Sport Autres sports - Archives vidéos Sport Autres sports.

Old photos - Windsurfing. Posted 23/04/2009, 11:36 am Wet Willy said...BTW, what were the pros and cons of Z-booms?

old photos - Windsurfing

Why aren't they made anymore? All the existing customers are too old to windsurf any more We stopped manufacturing this summer as the market was so small it was hard to justify carrying the stock (we manufacture large batches for efficiency). The people that used them loved them & everyone else hated them although they had never tried one. Because of the height issue I couldn't use one effectively so never spent enough time with one to practice gybing etc. Which we offered to the Maritime Museum in Freo, they weren't interested They could have put together a good display covering the 25 years of the Z-boom & 25 years of the Ledge to Lano, would have been colourful. WINDSURFING PACKAGES.