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Top 5 DIY Segways and How to Make Segway From Scratch! Over the years, segway has been slowly gaining popularity, I’ve seen them used everywhere around where I live including malls (where security guards use them inside the mall), and even my own apartment complex’s security guards, who zoom by my apartment on a daily basis.

Top 5 DIY Segways and How to Make Segway From Scratch!

Well, segways are great but are they worth paying for? What if you wanted to build your own segway? We’ve featured a slew of great segway DIYs here on, let me re-cap some of them and also new ones I have found that will teach you how to build your own segway from scratch. 1) has been around for awhile and this guy’s website probably has the best tutorials on how to build a segway from scratch. Build Your Own Bicycle. How to Build an Electric Car - Building Electric Cars. Learning how to build an electric car is enlightening, because you begin to see how electric-powered cars could be mass-produced.

How to Build an Electric Car - Building Electric Cars

Creating a vehicle that runs on batteries is more fuel-efficient, though building your own personal battery-powered car is going to be involved. Building an electric car takes a lot of time and money during the initial stages, but it saves you gas money in the long run. It’s also a fun project for car enthusiasts, if they have any kind of talent for engineering. Building a car from scratch is a way to really get to know the unabridged details of car-building. The Electric Vehicle Photo Album ( gives you a good idea of the variety of cars you can turn into an electric vehicle. Build your own Electric Car!