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The 20 Best Stoner Movies of All Time. Dude… in honor of the awesomeness that is Pineapple Express, starring Seth Rogan and James Franco, we offer up our 20 best stoner movies of all time. 20. Saving Grace Cast: Brenda Blethyn Craig Ferguson Somewhere among the stoner humor comes an intelligent film about weed. 19. Cast: James Roday Sam Huntington Jay Paulson Charlie Finn Directed and co-written by actor Thomas Haden Church (of TV’s Wings and the movie Sideways), Rolling Kansas looks at three brothers’ (and their friends) quest for a magical marijuana forest that can solve all of their financial woes. 18.

Cast: Billy Bob Thornton John Lithgow Hank Azaria OK, so you’re not going to find your lighthearted buddy stoner comedy in Homegrown, but that doesn’t mean you should pass it by. 17. Cast: Doug Benson Super High Me takes Morgan Spurlock’s concept of eating McDonald’s for 30 days straight and replaces burgers and fries with pot. 16. Cast: Dorothy Short Lillian Miles Dave O’Brien Thelma White 15. 13.Knocked Up 12. Silas P. 11. 10. Top Stoner Movies Of All Time | THE Weed Blog. Via I have been browsing movie websites, and I have come across several ‘top stoner movies of all time’ lists.

From High Times to Amazon, it seems that there is a bit of variation. Something can be number 1 on one list, yet number 9 on another. Here is my personal top ten list. 1. Johnny Green: This movie is solid. Ninjasmoker: The first time I watched this movie, I came out of the movie theater and actually felt higher then when I came in. 2. Johnny Green: This movie could have easily been number 1, and probably should be. Ninjasmoker: I watch this movie once a week just to keep it real. 3. Johnny Green: It’s a documentary about weed, made by a former ‘Stoner of the Year,’ current comedian Doug Benson. Ninjasmoker: Even non smokers like it. 4. Johnny Green: Like Ninjasmoker said when I showed him the list, ‘The cross joint and the term ‘lingerer” are a part of everyday vocabulary for stoners across the world thanks to this movie. 5. 6. 7.

Johnny Green: ‘You got a joint? La drogue, une playlist par coralie2607. 420: The Funniest Marijuana Stoner Movies. Bongwater (film) Nominations DVD Exclusive Awards (Video Business Magazine): Video Premiere Award, Best Supporting Actress, Brittany Murphy; 2001. Liste de films : Les meilleurs films de fumeurs de ganja avec extraits vidéos – Cinetrafic. Lieux de tournage de films (long métrage)