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Electric Solenoid Valve 12 V Water etc GCC CS 12VDC

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Caldo / Freddo. Costruire un pratico giardino verticale. Organizzare al meglio il proprio orto domestico. Plantduino Greenhouse. UPDATE 7/9/11: The AC power fed relay has been replaced with a DC battery fed relay system as shown in step 10.

Plantduino Greenhouse

UPDATE: We have been selected as finalists in the microcontroller contest! Thank you for voting and rating. Thank you also for all the feedback on the safety of out relay system. We hope the new instructions are clear. We will be continually updating as we make progress on the new design. Hello Everyone! My name is Clover and I am in love with vascular plants and robots. This summer I wanted to combine my two loves of plant science and engineering. I have constructed an automated watering and temperature system. This is my first project using an Arduino so I am using wonderful articles from MAKE and Instructables as very helpful templates. LabBox Grower: idroponica tascabile sempre online. at master · mbanzi/ at master · mbanzi/ Gestione serra..come? Growduino smart garden. I've been toying with so many ideas of things to automate, but with the long days and an approaching 2-week trip and two young plants at home, I started working in earnest on a garden control project last night.

Growduino smart garden

"Growduino" seemed like the obvious name... ;D This is the simplest possible version-- just an automated watering system, with the nutrient solution pumped up from a reservoir in the tub with a submersible pump. Here's a shot on Flickr: from the description: The "growduino" smart garden project will, um, grow to include more sensors and controls, but watering on a schedule seems like a good starting point since I'll be leaving the rig alone for 17 days starting Friday. The program's main parameters are pump period (time between pumps) and pump duration. Sensing plans: soil/medium moisture, interior and exterior temperature and humidity, nutrient level, nutrient pH, sunlight intensity, sunlight direction, solar panel output, battery charge, CO2 level, what else?

Arduino: hardware opensource.


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